Ch 8

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We came home to a living room filled with people sleeping.

OHMIGOSH!OHMIGOSH! Ashton Irwin is asleep on MY love-seat!!!

I was so happy I could just-


We woke up to the sound of screaming.

Harry jumped slightly and fell out of the rocking chair.

"Oh my gosh, I am SO sorry! Ashley here started fangirling," Jess said.

"I knew it! I called it!" Melody yelled, jumping up.

"Well, since we're up, why don't we do something fun!" Ava said.

"What do you have in mind, Ava?" Hannah asked.

"Idk, ideas anyone?" Ava said.

"Ooh! how about a game, a slightly childish one, but still a game," Ashley said.

"Sure," we said.

"HIDE AND SEEK!" she yelled.

"Whaat?" Lucy asked.

"We cut off all the lights, hand out one flashlight per person, and have two people be it," Ashley said,"We take a timer set it to like 5 minutes since the house is big, blindfold the two people who are it, and everyone else hides using only the flashlights to find the perfect hiding spots. Once the timer goes off, the two who are it take off their blindfolds have to find everyone. The first two that are caught are it the next round. Got it?"

"Yep!" we chorused.

"I wanna be it!" Ashley said.

"So do I!" I said.

"Okay, let's go!"

"Wait shouldn't we wake up Zayn and Michael first?" Ava said.

"Duh!" Amber said.


We set the timer and ran off with our flashlights. Everyone split up.

I noticed a light by my bedroom door and remembered I forgot to take down my posters of the guys on the door and walls.

"Dammit," I muttered.

"What's this?" Luke asked.

"Shut up," I said.

"2 min!" someone yelled.

"Go, go, go!" I whisper-yelled at Luke.

He pushed open my door and we ran inside.

"Where do we hide?" he asked.

"There," I said, pointing to the MASSIVE mound of pillows.

"But we have to be VERY still," I said.

"Okay," he said.



Do you think they'll be caught?

Don't forget to...




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