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It was a pretty normal day, the sun was out, people were off to start their dad, actors and actresses were practicing their lines down in the Warner studio..

Completely normal like I said.

The three Warners were up in the water tower, getting ready for the day. Wakko got a bowl of cereal out.. but this time he did USE the milk in the refrigerator, not whatever the hell he did in episode 6 of the reboot.

Dot yawned making her way towards Yakko to sit by him.

Wakko sat at the table with his siblings, eating cheerfully. "You gonna eat Dot?" "No. Not really hungry." Dot responded to Wakko, Wakko nodded his head, going back to eating his breakfast.

Yakko took a big sip of his coffee looking at his tablet with a confused look, that got Dot's attention.

"What's up Yak?" Dot asked, looking at her older brother. Yakko scratched his head, putting down his tablet.

"Now I know I ate a tablet to gain human knowledge that happened in the last 22 years but.. I don't really think I know what 'fan girl' is and why they are so obsessed with me and Wakko." Yakko explained, rubbing his chin.

Dot pouted "It's no fair you got billions of girls chasing after you while I get nothing but weird older men that-"

"I'd advise you not finishing that Dottie." Yakko hushed his younger sister. Dot rolled her eyes then sighed "Mhm.. yeah for the best I suppose.. anyways-"

"What's a fan girl?" Wakko suddenly asked with his tounge sticking out of his lil mouth. Yakko shrugged "Don't know honestly, wish I did and wished I knew why they are so obsessed with me, heh-"

"God you two boys are so clueless.. do you want to know what fangirl is?" Dot faced palmed, asking her siblings. Yakko and Wakko shook their heads rapidly,

"Please do tell us!" They hollered at their sister.

Dot nodded her head slowly, "Okay okay, well at least from what I know a fangirl is-"

Dot took about five minutes explaining what a fangirl is since the boys were still totally confused. Once they fully understood they were dumbfounded.

"WAIT THERE'S TOns of GIRL OUT THERE THAT LIKE ME?" "And boys too, but yes, basically what I'm saying." Dot nodded her head at Wakko.

"So there's pretty nurses out there for me!?" Yakko jolted out of his chair, excited. "Uh.. I guess but there's one of you and tons of people that have a crush on you or at least had one." Dot tapped her fingers on the table.

Wakko and Yakko started to get really hyped up, "Are they possibly around here somewhere!?" Wakko asked, with his tail wagging. Dot looked at her two eager brothers then rolled her eyes again "What did I just say?? There's literally ONE of you and TONS of girls out there who are probably reading this story."

Dot quickly covered her mouth, she knew she had said to much.

"Sakura is gonna to kill me.. fish sticks.."

"Who's Sakura? And follow up question.. READING THIS? Are they OVER THERE!?" Yakko pointed to a faded blue screen camera that only they could see.. more like breaking the fourth wall thing.

Dot rubbed her face she then sighed, "Y-Yeah- uhm.. oh what the heck.. yeah they are all over there. Go crazy I guess, don't be weird either.." "Sure sure!"

Wakko and Yakko quickly ran towards the phone screen, knocking on the screen, doing all sort of zany things.

"Hellllllooooo nursesss of wattpad!" They chanted blowing a kiss.

"AHEM. Now~ to all the wonderful nurses on wattpad reading this, I am singleeee~!" Yakko made his charming smirk in the phone screen. You could practically hear Dot shouting for her brothers to stop, this was literally way beyond breaking the fourth wall.

"Faboo! I bet every one of you nurses are pretty and adorableee!" Wakko clasped his gloves hands together, sticking out his tounge.. being cute as always.

The two Warners continued being flirty and over all adorable, mostly Wakko being the adorable one whilst his brother flattering the person behind the screen.

Dot groaned "This might take long." She complained looking at the non existing wall with an annoyed face.
My. Palm. Hurts. 🗿
This sucked I'm aware lmAo
I ran out of ideas and need more.
thought abt doing this cuz what not.

Lmao but I'm such a Yakko fangirl, hes mine gals and pals 😈

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