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💫 Wakko 💫

When he wants your affection he'll whine and complain to you all day until you finally find the time to hug and smother him in kisses, just the way he likes it.

- He likes belly rubs

- Scratches being the ears

- And you kissing his little red adorable nose.

Now if you wanted affection from him.. he'll definitely spend no time to giving you a hug, or wrapping his tail around you as you rest your head on his lap.

He'll run his gloved fingers through your hair.

Give you cheek kisses

And hugs you tightly and closely, ABSOLUTELY N O SPACE WHAT SO EVER.

🌹 Yakko 🌹

When he wants affection from you he'll definitely bug you till you finally see what he wants.

"WHAT, what could you possibly want YAKKO?"

"I want hugs and maybe a few kisses.. I'm lacking affectiooonnn!" He dramatically throws his hand in his face as if he was dying.

He's definitely a theater kid, for sure.

Once you give him what he wants he'll never let you go, he'll want you to hug him tightly and kiss him where ever he wanted all day or night.

Loves it when you :

- Kiss him passionately

- Hold his hand while you're holding him

- Nibble on his ears

- And just hold him close to you

If you wanted affection from him.. first he'll t e a s e- a loottt..

But once you start getting annoyed with him he'll stop and also smother you with kisses and hugs. He likes running his fingers through your hair, and cuddling you close preferable with you between his legs holding onto your waist.

Mhmmm BONUS cause I'm feeling good rn =)

Yakko likes.. sorry I mean LOVES kissing your :

- Neck

- Cheek

- Lips (so much dear god)

- Hand

- And sometimes your head/ forehead

Since Wakko is a flustered soft boi he mainly like kissing your :

- Cheek

- Forehead

- Head

- And nose
Days have been passing so fast I'm scared cuz school is literally just around the corner ️🏃🏾‍♀️💨

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