Small Preview

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"Alright," my voice quietly began speaking. "When I went to the music store today, this thing fell from the sky. It appears to be some sort of music player filled with songs I'm pretty sure neither of us had ever heard before."

Being somewhat irritated with the song, it was put on pause and I entered the password so there could be full access. The device was handed off to Emma who appeared puzzled by this crazy new thing. While studying the device, it became obvious that there were a lot of questions forming in that brain of hers.

"How did all these songs get in here? I don't see anywhere for the tape or the CD. And what the heck is Smallville? Isn't that the town Superman grew up in?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure how all of those songs got in there." A moment to think was taken. "It's almost as if this thing is from the future."

"Wouldn't that be something?" Her fingers were still playing with the object. "Seems like you did have quite a day. Finding a mysterious music device and getting saved by a stranger from Hailey? And I thought my day was crazy."

Not a moment too soon a ding went off on the device. And just like that, Emma's eyes lit up as if she had seen a ghost."

"Uh Jeremy, you might want to take a look at this." With that, the music player was handed back to me.

"Oh crap," I stated. My heart began beating a million times per second. It was some sort of pop-up from something called Facebook stating that I had memories to look at today with Jeremy Phillips and Hailey Phillips. What did that even mean? With the shakiest thumb in the world, the pop-up was pressed on. Within a matter of a short few seconds, my own eyes were looking at a picture. It was so crazy that my grip almost dropped it. Thankfully, Emma came to the rescue and held on to it. We both stood right next to each other to take a look at the picture. 

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