A different mind

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"To say that I was actually sorry about what I did to Nova would be a lie because I wasn't. I wanted to use her again and again for my own personal gain."

Amir's POV:

Fuck da police by N.W.A played on full volume as I drove Melissa back home. She stayed the night with me after the party I threw.And I just wanted a quick fuck so I let her stay.

Me and Melissa have been on and off for a while now. She always wanna break up for stupid shit. But I loved her nonetheless.

I know it was wrong but I just was only using Nova to make Melissa jealous. Me and Melissa had just got into a big argument and she went and kissed another dude.

It could have been anyone but when Nova fell into my arms I knew she was the perfect person to use for my plan.

What was my plan you might ask? I wanted to give Melissa a taste of her own medicine. And when I tell you she did not like it, she almost didn't let me fuck.

To say that I was actually sorry about what I did to Nova would be a lie because I wasn't. And I wanted to use her again and again for my own personal gain.

I was growing a weird dark obsession with her that I didn't quite understand. She seemed like the all around perfect girl and I wanted to ruin her. I knew I had to make it up to her if I wanted to use her again.

I knew the plan like the palm of my hand. I texted a sorry ass text to her this morning. And she luckily fell for it. And now I had to get rid of Melissa so I can go Through with it.

I'll give her the whole inspirational family story. And wow her with everything I did for Melissa when we first started dating.

Melissa reaches for the volume button and turns my music down.

"Why the fuck you turned my music down." I sad mad as hell

"I can't think your black music is too loud."Melissa says

"Well stop fucking thinking." I replied

She rolls her eyes and goes back typing on her phone
I turn the volume all the way up again raping along to ice cubes verse.

I pull into Melissa's driveway and she starts to spray an unnecessary amount of cheap smelling perfume.

"Damn you need that much perfume?"

"Yeah I don't want my parents to smell the weed on me." Melissa says

I roll my eyes and give her a goodbye kiss and she gets out the car. I stay making sure she gets in the house safely.

I pulled off making my destination Nova's house. It was almost time to pick her up.

Once I pull into her neighborhood I text her to let her know I'm almost there.She texts back an okay and I start to pull into her driveway.

She was already outside; it looked like she was locking the door. She looked beautiful but not as beautiful as Melissa.

She makes her way towards my car  and gets inside. I hope she doesn't notice the perfume smell. I'll try to butter her and distract her.

"Nova I am really sorry about last night. I was just drunk and wasn't in the right set of mind. I hope you can forgive me."I say as I pull out of the driveway.

"what you did last night was pretty brutal." She says

Damn this is going to be hard.

"I know I'm so sorry I'm going to make it up to you."I say

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