Halloween night part 2

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"My heart skipped a beat at her beautiful smile I would give her all the candy in the world just to see her smile like that."

Daisuke's POV:

"Come on dude lets just go it'll be fun", Antonio says on the call.

He's been trying to convince me to go to Amir's party for the past 10 minutes I like going to party's but i did not want to go to his party. I never liked him after what happened at the last party he threw. I hated being disrespected.

"I don't know man I just don't feel like it" I say.

"Dai come on you owe me one"Antonio says.

I sigh remembering the favor he did for me when I almost got caught with drugs.

"God damn it Antonio I can't have nothing nice those are two totally different favors".

"But you still owe me"He responds.

"Fine what time is it" I ask rolling my eyes.

"It's at 11 and don't forget to wear a black ski mask and I'll bring the nerf guns" . Antonio says and hangs up before I could protest.

I could just hear the smile on his face no matter what he always manages to drag me along to do things when quite honestly I just wanna smoke weed and sleep.

Most of the time when I go to parties it ends with me too high to function or with some girl in my bed. I'm not a crazy sex addict but I'm not one to deny the opportunity especially when I'm high. But I'm never too high not to use a condom.

"Daisuke wa doa o te ni irete kuremasen ka" My mom yells for me to go get the door.

"Okay" I yell back.

I walk down the two flights of stairs in my house it was a very nice house but the stairs always got on my nerves, it felt I was getting a work out every time I went to get a drink or something.

My house was decorated in a modern expensive way it had a beautiful living room with big windows to give it the effect of it being bigger than it already is and and long walk way leading to the two wooden doors at the front of the house it had beautiful unique designs and the doors were very tall it made even me feel short.

I open the door to see a middle aged Asian man and woman and a girl with red hair. She looked familiar I just don't know where from.

"I'm so glad you could make it please come in". my mom says from behind me.

They walk inside and greet us by bowing and they take their shoes off.

"The dinner table is right this way". She gestures to the dining room.

I trail behind the random family next my mom and whisper in her ear

"Karera wa dare no okāsan?" I ask confused in Japanese just in case they could hear me. This became a habit of mine whenever I didn't want people to know what I was saying the many advantages of being bilingual.

"Anata ga mitsukerudarou shitsureina koto wa arimasen" She responds back in Japanese scoldingly and fans me away like an annoying fly with her hand.

We reach the dining room and the table was prepared with various Japanese cuisine's including my favorite dish called Tonkatsu my mom knew that I wouldn't be able to resist it especially since she made it. I sit down at the table the family sat in front of me and my mom.

"Thank you for letting us have dinner with you and your son".The middle aged woman says.

"It's no problem I'm just happy that a family that looks like us has moved to the neighborhood" My mom replies.

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