Vibrant hue's

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"It's my own fault for being dilute in Amir's fantasy world."

Novas POV:
It had only been a few class periods since I broke it off with Amir. It felt like a giant weight had been lifted off my chest. It was hard at first because I hated confrontation, but I knew I had to do it.

I was now in art class contemplating what to draw for my painting about myself. But this time the idea came to me easier. I was going to draw about imperfections. I feel like imperfections make me who I am.

I put my head phones in playing some frank ocean to tune out the world. Painting was always a good way to get my mind off things, It was therapeutic in a way.

I grab a pencil and paints and start to draw my outline. I wanted to draw an over exaggerated version of a woman who is beautiful. I apply the vibrant hue's to my canvas. Mixing browns and tans together.

I was half way done when the bell rings for my next class. I had to make some finishing touches but it looked good so far. I grab my things and make my way to the exit but Mrs.Tehran stops me.

"Keep up the Good work Nova I really like the way it looks so far." Mrs. Tehran says giving me a pat on the back.

"Thank you." I smile feeling flattered.

"No problem sweetheart," she responds.

I left feeling a little better, my day goes by nicely up until lunch. I was now walking towards the cafeteria with Amir in my eye sight with the white girl he was with at the restaurant yesterday.

He was standing right in front of the door blocking my way to go in. Oh my god how can he be so annoying. When he saw that I was trying to get in he started making out with the girl right in my face, what the fuck is wrong with him?

What was he trying to do make me jealous? Whatever I'll just go somewhere else then. I text my friends and tell them that I'm going to take a nap in my car. I was tried so might as well rest my mind.

The student parking lot had a strong scent of weed I look around to find the source and see smoke coming out of a black Range Rover. Wait I know that car it's Daisuke's.

The student parking lot was all the way in the back of the school and very secluded it didn't even look like it was part of the school teachers never patrolled out here.

Teachers tell us that it's patrolled and they're just hiding to scare us but after a while the students realized that no one was out here,  hell there aren't even cameras out here. So people smoking and doing other things out here wasn't a surprise.

I start walking to his car but a hand grabs my arm stoping me. I turn to find Amir as the culprit. What the hell does he want after kissing another girl in front of me?

"I love you Nova." Amir says grabbing my face and pulling it towards his's.

He forces his lips on to me,  I try to push away but his grip becomes stronger. My strength being no Match to his's. He try's to force his tongue in my mouth and before I could object I feel myself being pushed away from him and I fall to the ground.

I look up to see Daisuke throwing a punch to Amir's face hitting him right in the jaw. Amir throws a punch back hitting him in his eye. But before he could do anymore damage Daisuke picks Amir up and slams him to the ground.

Oh shit, everything was happening so fast I wanted to break them up but I knew better than that, I would most likely get hit trying to do so.

Daisuke was now on top of Amir throwing punches continuously to his face and it looked like he wasn't going to stop anytime soon. If he kept going Amir might pass out or get a concussion.

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