The Past

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TW:description of abuse

"All I ever wanted from him was for him to actually keep his promise and not drink."

Daisuke's POV:
"You worthless pice of shit." 

My dad yells slamming me against the wall choking me.

"Do you hear me?" He says consolidating his grip I struggle against him. his strength outweighing that of a 14 year old.

"I told you to stay in your room you never listen." He drops me blowing a punch to my face. I cry out in pain and cove the place he hit me with my hand.

"Come here this should teach you a lesson about disobeying me." He says dragging me to the kitchen by my shirt.

He turns on the stove, fire lighting up the stove immediately. And holds my neck over the stove fire. I scream out in pain feeling the heat reach my neck.

"Stop please stop." I scream tears clouding my eyes.

"This should teach you to never disobey me again." He says pushing my neck closer to the fire. I scream out in pain the fire burning my skin.

"Dad stop." I cry out my voice breaking.

He throws me down on the Kitchen floor turning off the stove. And looks down at my shaking body on the ground.

"Don't ever disobey me again." He says and walks away like nothing ever happened.

I wake up from my flash back sweaty and out of breath. I touch my neck remembering the scar I have from the burn, it was faded now but you could still tell it was there. One of the things I had my drunk dad to thank for.

It seemed like every time my dad drunk he was possessed. His personality changed he was a totally different person he wasn't my dad.

His eyes would go dark and his demeanor would change. He wasn't him self I always told myself my actual dad would never hurt me. And like a endless cycle he would hurt me in his inebriated state and the next morning he would try to make up for it and promise to never do it again.

My mom was never there to save me, she knew he had a drinking problem but she only knew the half of it. Because of her job she had to travel a lot, sometimes I would travel with her but when I didn't it left me and my dad together. The nights my dad came home from work drunk I knew It was going to be hell.

But I never told my mom I was too afraid. Because then it all would become real, the fact that my dad hits me the fact that he chose alcohol over his family. It would ruin the Image I had in my head of him the one that wasn't a drunk, the one that didn't abuse.

All I ever wanted from him was for him to actually keep his promise and not drink. I was naive enough to believe him every single time. Crazy of me to believe he was actually going to keep his promise.

I hate to admit it but sometimes I missed my dad. Not the one that was a drunk but the one that didn't hurt me. Before everything My dad was the best man in my life the one I looked up to he was caring, kind, and hard working a perfect example of a man. I wanted to be just like him.

I never knew what happen, what threw him off so badly that he had to turn to alcohol. If I had know maybe I could have stopped it before it got bad. But he's dead now and and dead man tells no tales. I'll never know and I don't know if I want to know. Because what if it was my fault, what if I did something, what if I was too much of a burden.

I get up out of my bed and go into the bathroom splashing cold water on my face. I'm definitely going to get high today. Andre is one of my plugs I learned that word from him it's the thing American people called their drug dealer.

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