Mini series (part 6 end)

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"Honestly he was proving my fear of us being better off as friends."


Giselle's POV:
Soft sounds from the radio flowed though my ears the wind from the window blew on my face. I was in the car with Giovanni on the way to our first official date.

"So." Giovanni says breaking the silence.

"So." I say smiling.

"Where do you think we're going?"

"I honestly have no idea."

"That means I planned the surprise well." he smiles in contempt.

The drive was short and quiet but it honestly it was awkward. I don't know why but it the atmosphere felt weird.

He opens the car door for me and holds my hand as I get out. We walk into expensively decorated restaurant that looked like it served sample size foods for over a hundred dollars.

The server leads us to our table and we sit down.

"So what can I get you two to drink." The waitress asks.

We tell her our drinks and she goes to put them in. I look at Giovanni and he looked nervous for some reason.

"So do you like the place?" He asks.

"It's looks.. nice." I smile tightly.

"That means you don't like it." He frowns.

"No it's not that it just seems a bit expensive."

"I sorry if you're uncomfortable here."

"We can leave if you want." He starts to stand up.

"No sit down it's okay." I say.

I could tell he was trying really hard to make me happy but it didn't feel natural. He seemed like a whole different person. He never acted like this when we were so called friends so why now is he different.

And honestly he was proving my fear of us being better off as friends. I don't know, maybe its all in my head.

The waitress comes back with our drinks and asks for our order everything on the menu was in some fancy language that I didn't understand. Would it be rude if I asked if they had chicken tenders?

Giovanni orders his food and I ask for the same thing he got not wanting to get something I didn't like.

The waitress leaves and we stare at each other awkwardly. This was not how I imagined our first date to be.

"I'll be right back, I have to use the bathroom." I say standing up.

He nods and I make my way to the restroom.

Giovanni's POV:
I watch as her figure leaves my eyesight and I sigh feeling the tension going away. I thought this date was going to be fun but so far it's been a fail.

Am I trying too hard? It seemed like she didn't even want to be here with me anymore. I should clear the air when she gets back. I was trying to act different like a boyfriend but I don't think she likes it. Was all my insecurities coming true?

The waitress returns with our food and I thank her and soon after Giselle comes back. She takes her seat look at her food.

"It actually looks good." She smiles .

"See I know I chose a good place after all."

She nods and takes a bite of her food and her face lites up. I smile maybe tonight wasn't a complete fail.

"Hey I'm going to honest this date felt weird." I say.

"I thought I was the only one." She sighs.

"I don't know why but you're acting like a different person." She admits.

"Yeah I know I thought you would like it if I acted like a perfect boyfriend."

"No I like you for you not for someone you're trying to be."

"Yeah you're right I don't know what I was thinking."

"Just be yourself." She smile's holding my hand.

I smile back kissing her hand she didn't know how perfect she really was. We end our date with casual conversation and I drop her off home making sure to give her a kiss goodbye.

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