Mini series (part 2)

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"Both  of us, too afraid to call it something new."

G+G <3

Gisele's POV:
"Hey sweetheart, how have you been." Giovanni's mom says with a smile opening the door for me to come in. His mom was a short tan colored Hispanic woman with curly hair that came down to her shoulders. She was a beautiful woman with small freckles on her skin.

"I'm doing good, Liz how have you been ?"  I ask

"I'm doing good sweetie, I'll be doing better when I go on this date." She says giving me a wink and I smile at her words. 

I was currently at Giovanni's house because I agreed to help him baby sit while his parents went out to dinner. His parents haven't had the chance to themselves ever since the baby was born. And they deserved a night alone.

"WAHHH WAHHH." The sound of a baby's cry fills my ears and Lizbeth sighs.

"Giovanni, ve a ver a tu hermana, por favor." She yells out for Giovanni to check on his sister in spanish. I knew a little bit of Spanish since Giovanni was teaching me.

"Okay." He yells back his Spanish accent seeping through his voice.

"Stop! Give it back!" Giovanni's little brother Luca yells at Leon his twin.

Leon was running around with a toy in a effort to stop Luca from taking it away from him but is stopped when his mom catches him.

"Mommy put me down, he gonna get me!"  Leon wines.

"Now what did I tell you about playing nice Leon." Liz says sternly. Her tone made me feel like I was in trouble and I didn't even do anything.

Leon looks down and hands Luca back his toy.

"I'm sorry Luca I just really wanted your toy." Leon  says with a sad look,  as his mom puts him down.

"It's okay Leon I forgive you we can share it." Luca says handing the toy back to him.

"Really?" Leon asks his face lighting up with joy

"Mmh" Luca sounds nodding his head.

"Thanks."  He says pulling his twin into a hug.

"Aww good job boys y'all are such cuties ." She says pinching their cheeks and they flinch trying to push her hand away.

Whenever I came to Giovanni's house everything was a little chaotic. With a new born and two twin toddlers running around  I was always in for a surprise when I visited. But non the less he had a beautiful family.

His family was pretty well off  mainly due to his dad. He was a lawyer and he owned his own law firm. His house was nice and more than big enough for a family of six. But it still had that homey feel, mainly due to Lizbeth's decorations.

"I'm ready to go honey?" Her husband says walking down the stair case. He was a buff 6'3 light skinned man with a bald head and beard. Despite his appearance he was a big softie.

"Gisele!" he says with a smile pulling me into a tight hug.

"Hey Greg." I smile hugging him back his hugs were nice, sometimes a little suffocating but I knew it was full of love.

"Okay dad you're going to suffocate her if you hold on any longer." Giovanni says from behind him with his bay sister in his arms. Her name is Melanie and she was so adorable.

"Okay." He says letting go.

"Aww come her Lanie," I say in my baby voice holding my arms out and taking her from Giovanni.

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