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"He rubbed my back and told me everything was Going to be okay. His voice calmed me down, it made me feel safe."

Nova's POV:
It was now Monday morning and I was dragging my feet thought the halls of school leisurely.I barely wanted to be here after Saturday nights party. I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss did It mean anything to him like it did to me? I like him but I also still like Amir even though I was still mad at him. If Amir found out what happened at the party he wold be furious. Even though we weren't together I still feel like I owe him an explanation.

"Nova,"A voice calls me bringing me out of my thoughts.

I turn to see Daisuke walking towards me. Oh no I don't want to see him just yet.

"Hey," I say nervously.

"Can we talk about what happened that night?" He asks.

Before I talked to him about that kiss I wanted to talk to Amir first. I needed to figure out how I felt.

"Can we talk about that later I have to get to class," I say.

His face turns into a frown he try's to say something but I left to quickly before he could finish.

I need to find Amir I texted and called him but his phone went straight to voice mail. I shake my head in annoyance. I see one of Amir's friend in the hallway talking to a girl. I remember him because he was the one that left a bruise on my arm.

"Hey have you seen Amir,"I ask

"Oh umm he's sick,"he says scratching his head. I could tell he was lying and how could he be sick right after the party anyways. Then I remembered I could check his location on Snapchat. It said that he was at his family's restaurant. Why was he there? Fuck it I'm going to skip.

I head for the student parking lot and get in my car, Once I make it to the restaurant I walk in  and look around for Amir. I spot his curly hair in the crowd and start to walk towards him. But I stop when I realized he was with someone it was a girl. She had brown straight hair and blue eyes the total opposite of what I looked like.

I felt my heart break a little when I realized that everything he was doing with her was the same things he did with me she was eating the same cake, the man that played violin for me was in the corner waiting for Amir's cue to come in.

Hell they even sat at the same table we did last time. The only thing different was that he had got her a bouquet of roses, what the fuck was this? Amir glances in my direction and panic immediately runs over his face.

My eyes begin to burn as I tried to hold back my tears I turn and walk away, no way was I going let him see me cry. I don't want to even look at him, I walk out of the restaurant with Amir running behind. I make it to my car but he grabs my arm stopping me from getting inside.

"What do you want Amir," I say my voice breaking.

The tears rolled down my face like a waterfall his eyes were full of regret. He reaches for my face a tries to wipe my tears,

"Don't fucking touch me," I say slapping his had away from my face.

"Nova it's not what you think."

"Oh yeah what the fucks going on then," I ask  I've never been this angry in my life I never let things get to me but this was different. And to think my dumb ass was trying to give him a chance.

"Look it's not even that big of a deal, you're just blowing things out of proportion, Why are you even here?"

"Not a big deal, Oh well I guess the fact that I kissed someone else last night won't be a big deal either, since it looks like you've been working harder than me." I spit angrily wanting him to feel the same way I felt.

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