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As usual,Jisoo was at the camp.

"Lunch break time!"Jisoo happily said as she left the soldiers and went to her office to grab the bouquet of sunflowers she got for Chaeyoung.She went to her motorcycle and put the flowers in front of her,making sure it won't be ruined.She soon reached the school.The guard welcomed her,now she have told him the real reason why she's here.She went to the faculty,and she saw Chaeyoung doing something."Chaeyoung!"She called.Even the other people there are looking at her.I mean it's not usual for a soldier just to show up in a school.Chaeyoung went to her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I told you I'll bother you, remember?Here.Flowers for you."Jisoo said,handing Chaeyoung the sunflower bouquet.

"Thank you."

"Let's go be out for lunch?"She asked.

"Sure."The both of them went outside the school,at the nearest food house.Its just a small place and few people.Both of them ordered food,Chaeyoung placed the flowers at the table as she and Jisoo were seating next to each other.As soon as the food came,they ate.

"So how have you been?"Jisoo asked Chaeyoung.

"Well,let's say for the past five years I've been good.I've been a professor here,and Jeongwoo and I lives together for four years now."

"Where's his parents?"Jisoo asked.

"My brother and father,as you know theyre soldier like your uncle they died in a mission four years ago as well as mom and my brother's wife since that day she came up visiting dad at the camp,then there's a bomb,causing them to all die.Leaving me and Jeongwoo."Chaeyoung said.

"Ohh..sorry."Jisoo apologized.

"For what?"

"Should've been there for you but I left."She said, feeling guilty.

"It's unintentional.I totally understand when your father explained.I'm sorry for what I've done the first times we met."

"It's okay,anyway."Jisoo said.

"Why are you here?"Chaeyoung asked.

"I was assigned here.Their are terrorist threats so of course,a great general will be sent here."Jisoo said and smirked.Chaeyoung chuckled.

"Great or dork?"

"Both."And they both laughed.
They just talked and talked,after five years they have a lot to talk about.

"There was this one time they're teaching me to use a riffle,I was shaking and scared so when I fired it I got my shoulder a little dislocated for not holding it properly."Jisoo said.Chaeyoung laughed,she find it so funny to the point that she hit Jisoo with the bouquet of flowers in the face.She suddenly paused.

"Oh god sorry!"She apologized.

"It's okay,it's okay."

"Poor flowers.I'm sorry flowers I hurt you."Chaeyoung said,apologizing to the ruined flowers.

"Oh really?You actually hit it in my face."

"It's your fault for making me laugh hard."

"Wow.Just wow."Jisoo soon needs to go back to the camp,so she waved goodbye to Chaeyoung."See you tomorrow."

"See you too."Chaeyoung said and winked.

"Oh shoot my heart aww I got shot."She acted that made Chaeyoung laughed."Nyeongan!"She went at her motorcycle and drove back to the camp.She came there.

"Jangseong!"Dahyun called as she run near Jisoo.


"The head general had a surprise visit to check on us.Everyone's at the tent now."

"Okay."The both of them went at the biggest tent where the general is.They all saluted after falling in line by their positions.

"How's everything,General Kim?"The head general asked.

"Good,sir.Everyone's being trained and getting ready.As of now we recieve no threats yet."Jisoo said.

"Hmm.But at the head office we recieved one.Saying we need to prepare all the troops for they'll be attacking very soon."

"I assure you,sir.We are all getting ready now."

"Good.I'll be sending more soldiers here."He tapped Jisoo's shoulder."I leave you in charge here.You're responsible in everything that will happen here."

"Sir yes sir!"She said as she saluted.

"Good,Kim.Great that I trusted you."He said with a smile.

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