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Jisoo and her troops came at the meeting place,so they assembled.They already saw the two civilians,with three masked men.

"Is she your general?"The guy asked.

"Yes."Wendy said."Here's proof."She said,pointing at Jisoo's badge.

"Good.The money?"

"Here."She lifted the bag of money and handed it to Jisoo.

"Good deal."One of the guys said as they pushed the girls to Wendy and Jisoo walked to them.Wendy left with the civilians,signalling the soldiers to get ready after the civilians were at the safe place.

"Let's talk privately,general."One of the guys said.They went at a car,Jisoo followed.They came there and one of the guys sat at the passenger's seat.

"What do you want?"Jisoo said.

"You know,why don't you join us?We,soldiers who have been ousted,hated and left out.We did everything for this country but what did we get in return? Criticism and hatred.Help us to get revenge for ourselves!Don't you experienced being criticize by those people whom we did served for."Jisoo looked at him and scoffed.

"I'm sorry mister,but revenge was never an answer to anything.And we signed up for being a soldier,we oath to take care of the country and it's people.That means accepting everything that comes after it.So I won't accept this offer.I'm sorry."Jisoo said.

"Even death is the next choice?"Jisoo smiled.

"I didn't came here without a back up,mister."

"Sir theyre attacking us!"The man at the shotgun seat shouted.

"Drive!"Jisoo smirked,knowing that her soldiers got her back.Gunshots were heard everywhere."If you think you won already,you got it wrong!"The guy shouted."We got back up too!"Jisoo blocked him at the side,trying to get the mask off his face.But the guy was strong,he was able to block her at the other side.

"Who are you?!"

"I won't let you know,stupid!"Jisoo took hold at his mask,as she successfully removed it.She was shocked to see his face.She definitely knows him.

"You're Park-"The door behind her suddenly opened.

"Aish stupid!"The guy kicked her outside,as she fell off the side road,loosing her consciousness as her head was hit at a post.


Jisoo opened her eyes,she was at the camp,at her room.

"Unnie you're finally awake."Lisa said.Chaeyoung was there too.And also Wendy and Dahyun.

"Are you okay?Do you need anything?"Chaeyoung asked.

"I'm good."

"You've been asleep for two days,General.The doctor said it's normal because of your head injury,so he let us took you here until you regains your consciousness."Jeongyeon said.

"H-Hows the mission?"Jisoo asked.

"The two civilians were safe,they're brought back to their families.We also got some new of those terrorists, five of them died.And.."

"And what?"

"Should we tell her?"Wendy whispered at Jeongyeon.

"She's our general,she needs to know."Jeongyeon whispered back.Wendy took a deep breath.

"We..we lost two of our soldiers,jangseong.Their ashes were fetched up yesterday by their families."She said.Jisoo's heart broke.Yes she's used in loosing soldiers in battles,but this is different.Shes just been general for few months and this is her first major mission.She felt like it's her fault,for she thinks they're her responsibility.

"Jisoo it's okay.Its normal in your field."Chaeyoung told her as she pats her back.

"W-Were are they?"

"Back in Seoul holding their funeral."Jeongyeon said.

"Let's go there."

"But unnie you needs rest."Lisa said.

"I'll pay respect.I'm not damaged,I'm good.Leave me for a while,I'll go get changed."She said.

"But Ji-"

"Just please leave me."She said firmly so they just did.she got changed,then went outside."Give me the address."

"Are you sure,general?"


"Jisoo..take care,okay?"Chaeyoung said.Jisoo nodded.

"I'll be fine."So she left,she commuted going to Seoul.As soon as she get there at the first family,she went on her knees and bowed at the soldier's mom."Mianhe,ahjumma.I didn't took care of your daughter."She said as tears fell from her eyes.She never cried in public or a lot of people to see,because she believes it's a sign of weakness.But not now.

"Stand up."The old lady said so she stood up.The old lady smiled at her."It's okay.I'm expecting that this could happen in her job."

"Thank you, ahjumma."She left,then went to the next funeral.This soldier left a family.A wife and kids.Jisoo entered,and she knelt and bowed.

"My condolences.I'm sorry."She said as she bowed once again.

"Your apologies can't bring my husband back.Please leave us."Jisoo nodded understanding his wife's stand.She left.

This is all my fault.

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