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As the fight went on on lyoko, Aelita was singled out by a pair of krabs, and led right into a trap. The scyphozoa was here to attack her. She tried to fly away but the krabs fired at her and made her fall flat on the icy floor.

AELITA - Ouch.

She did not have much time to complain as the scyphozoa was already wrapping her around in her tentacles, and as she started levitating the world around her started to fade to black.

JEREMY - Everyone, Aelita is being attacked by the scyphozoa, go to her help.

ULRICH - We're not exactly fooling around either.

Odd shoot one last laser arrow at the last tarantula that was blocking his path.

ODD - I'm free Jeremy. Where is Aelita ?

JEREMY - To your south. Hurry up, I don't know what XANA is trying to do, but I don't like it.

Odd quickly ran to the scyphozoa and shoot its tentacles. The monster fled, freeing Aelita from its grasp.

ODD - Are you alright, princess ?

AELITA - I think I am. Not really sure though, I don't feel too good, but I think I should be alright.

JEREMY - Great, glad to hear that.

YUMI - The monsters are clear on our side. How is William doing ?

JEREMY - From what I can see he's playing with his new friend, and he seems to like thunderbolts.

AELITA - I'm next to the tower Jeremy, it should be deactivated soon.

As Aelita entered the tower, the concentric circles started to light up. When she reached the smaller circle in the middle, she started elevating to an upper platform. As she approached the center of this platform, a terminal appeared in front of her.




AELITA - Tower deactivated Jeremy.

JEREMY - Wonderful, thanks everyone. I'm bringing you back, William seems to be fine.

As the moon was shinning high in the sky, the group of friends (except for Yumi) sneaked in the dorms without getting caught.

On the next morning, at 6 am, Jeremy's computer started reacting to something, and a window showing a tower popped up, waking the small genius up.

JEREMY - Never taking a break, XANA ?

Jeremy would have to call his friends. He'd start with Aelita, as he always did. However, as her phone rang, she did not seem to answer.

JEREMY - That's strange... Aelita has never not woken up for a call. I'll try calling the others and call her back after that.

As everyone was ready to go, Jeremy made a stop by Aelita's room and tried knocking. He knew it would wake her up if she was there. No answer.

JEREMY - She must be somewhere else, probably on lyoko if I know XANA. Let's hurry to the factory.

As everyone came to the factory, they were surprised to see there was no specter waiting for them.

JEREMY - That's unexpected. Yumi, can I let you look for Aelita while the boys clean up the way ?

ODD - And how are we deactivating the tower, Jeremy ?

JEREMY - For now, we need to know what XANA is doing, and where Aelita is, I think those are linked. So just clear the way while we find Aelita, OK ?

ULRICH - Roger Einstein.

JEREMY - The tower is on the mountain sector, I'm sending you there.

Meanwhile, on the forest sector, Aelita was being chased by kankrelats. She had tried to contact Jeremy several times, but she was definitely alone, and desperately in need of a tower to hide in. But that's the problem. She knew lyoko, she knew where the towers were. But the towers were missing.

Jeremy was trying to triangulate Aelita's phone to know where she was.

JEREMY - Yumi ?

YUMI - Yes, Jeremy ? I'm in the park, where should I be looking ?

JEREMY - I don't know, it looks like her phone is still in her room, she probably didn't have time to pick it.

YUMI - So, I don't have any clues ?

JEREMY - Try looking around in the hermitage. If Aelita was able to flee that's where she would have gone.

YUMI - That's a big if.

JEREMY - For now we don't have any other lead. Be careful, I'll contact you again when I have more informations.

YUMI - Thanks Jeremy.

On the mountain sector, William, Odd and Ulrich finished deleting XANA's monsters. They were fewer than usual, just a bunch on krabs with a few hornets.

ODD - The way is clear Jeremy. Any news about Aelita ?

JEREMY - Yes, the new is that we don't know where she is. Like, at all.

WILLIAM - Great, what do we do now ?

JEREMY - Odd, enter the tower.

ODD - You know I can't deactivate it, right ?

JEREMY - I know, but we might be able to gather data, and maybe even hack through it. We might be able to deduct where Aelita is.

ODD - Might ?

JEREMY - Do you have a better idea ?

ODD - No Jeremy, I'm in. What should I do ?

JEREMY - Get to the platform, I'm going to guide you.

In the meantime, Aelita was able to get away from the kankrelats, and made a hiding spot with her creation power.

AELITA - Please, Jeremy, answer, I need help.

JEREMY - OK, I have good and bad news.

ULRICH - Start with the good one please, that's the first one in a while.

JEREMY - Aelita is safe, for now at least.

ULRICH - You found her ?

JEREMY - Yes, and no. She is in a kind of deep sleep, trapped in a kind if sleep bubble made by XANA. I don't know what XANA can do to her, but probably nothing good.

WILLIAM - Wait, XANA is able to do that ?

JEREMY - No, he probably transferred a virus to Aelita yesterday, making him able to.

ULRICH - So, what do we do ? Aelita can't come and deactivate the tower.

JEREMY - Protect the tower. I'm going to try and gain partial control. If I can weaken the bubble and reach Aelita, she may be able to wake up.

ULRICH - I hope you know what you're doing Jeremy...

Aelita's hiding spot was discovered. An army of krabs and the scyphozoa are here for her. As she understands the dangers, she start flying away, as high as she can to get away from the monsters.

JEREMY - Aelita ? Can you hear me ?

AELITA - Jeremy ? You can't know how glad I am to hear you ? It looks like I am on lyoko, and I don't know why, but XANA is really going hard on me, are the others coming ? Also why are the towers gone ? Also I am kind of freaking out.

JEREMY - Calm down Aelita. You are not on lyoko, this is just a dream. You have been implanted a virus, and XANA trapped you in a kind of sleep bubble. I weakened it, you should be able to wake up now if you focus on waking up.

He was right. It took a bit of work, but she was able to wake up. She was here, in her familiar bed, although covered in sweat. This is all over.

She heard her phone ringing.

JEREMY - You did it Aelita, you successfully woke up. Good job.

AELITA - Thanks Jeremy. I don't know what I would have done without you.

JEREMY - You're welcome. Can you come to the factory ? There is still a tower to be deactivated and it stresses me out a bit. Also we need to scan you to make sure we get rid of that virus.

AELITA - Coming, Jeremy.

When Aelita joins her friends at the factory she only finds Jeremy.

AELITA - Where are the others ?

JEREMY - XANA deactivated the tower after you woke up, they left to take their breakfast, I stayed so that we could scan you.

Aelita went down to the scanners room. After a quick scan, Jeremy is able to make an anti-virus. He virtualises Aelita and she enters a way tower to apply the patch.

Half an hour later, the six friends meet up at the cafeteria.

ODD - So, how is our sleeping beauty ?

AELITA - I'm fine, thanks.

JEREMY - She should be patched, and next time you go to lyoko I'll apply the patch to you as well just in case.

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