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Odd was so excited. Sam was coming back to Kadic. Sure, she would only stay a couple of weeks, while her parents are working on a project around here, but still, he would get to see her again.

His friends were a lot less excited. Yumi and Jeremy did not really forgave her stealing a computer, while Aelita and Ulrich had more issues with her behaviour when she did not tell him to go "he knows where". Sure she was Odd's friend, but she had not been very honest, and worse, endangered all of them with her selfishness.

Regardless, from today on, she would be there.

Aelita was done showering, and was finally ready. It was half past seven, so she still had time to go take her breakfast. It was a lovely day. When she arrived, she saw Sam sat next to Odd, on the seat Ulrich usually takes.

AELITA - Hello. Where is Ulrich ?

Odd could see his friend was not very happy. Obviously he knew why, and decided not to make things worse.

ODD - He wasn't hungry. You could probably still take him a croissant or two if you want to tell him something ? He should be in our room.

AELITA - Thanks, I'll make sure to bring him.

Odd knew things might get tense, and didn't want that to happen, let alone on Sam's first day. He would explain everything later. For now, at least Ulrich would get to eat something, he looked a bit mad when he told him he wouldn't be eating.

A few minutes later, Aelita was knocking on Ulrich's door.

ULRICH - Yes ?

AELITA - It's me, can I come in ?

ULRICH - Go ahead. We're all here already.

Indeed, when Aelita came in, she found Jeremy and Yumi, already in the room.

AELITA - What are you all doing here ?

YUMI - The same as you.

JEREMY - We could not really confront her on things she has not even done in this timeline. And I definitely would rather not eat this breakfast than deal with all that.

AELITA - Yeah, I know what you mean. I brought croissants, but only expected Ulrich to be here, so there might not be enough.

YUMI - That's fine, I already ate, like always.

JEREMY - I'm not hungry Aelita, thanks.

ULRICH - Looks like there is one for you and one for me then ?

AELITA - Looks like it. What are we going to do ?

JEREMY - Odd told me she'd be gone in a few weeks.

AELITA - We're not going to ignore her for a few weeks. I mean, we could, but what about Odd ?

JEREMY - I don't think Odd cares that much, he knows why are reacting like that.

AELITA - Still, I doubt he likes it. Also what about when XANA attacks ? We're just giving him a free target.

ULRICH - I'll talk with him this evening. Sam is still a day student, I'll have all the time needed to talk with him.

This afternoon, the kids did not have class. Jeremy and Aelita used that time to work on the anti XANA program, while Ulrich and Yumi went training. Odd and Sam, on the other hand, went skating.

ODD - I'm so happy you're here, Sam.

SAM - Thanks, I'm happy to see you as well. Looks like everyone does not feel that way though.

ODD - What do you mean ?

SAM - Your friends. Do you think I didn't notice ? They are clearly avoiding me. Even earlier, they went to a different table than us for lunch.

ODD - You're imagining things. Why would they ? It's not like you're done anything wrong. They just have a hard time socialising with new people, but I'm sure it will be fine. Give them a bit of time. And about lunch, they probably just didn't see us.

SAM - If you say so, but it did not feel that way the last times I came.

ODD - They are just a bit more stressed out.

SAM - Why ?

Odd knew he was on the verge of saying something he shouldn't say.

ODD - Oh, nothing in particular, just school, you know ?

SAM - Ah yeah, I get what you mean, they are just too focused on their marks, and that stresses them out, right ?

ODD - Yeah, that's it.

He was in the clear. But clearly, his friends were over doing it. Yes, Sam did some bad things in the past, but can them not forgive her ? Anyway, he'd set the record straight with Ulrich this evening.

A few hours later, Jeremy, Aelita, Ulrich and Odd were in Ulrich's room. Ulrich had offered to deal with Odd alone, but getting a bit of help would always be nice, and they were involved in this as well.

ODD - OK, why are you all here like that ? It almost looks like a police investigation or something.

JEREMY - You watch way too many movies, Odd.

AELITA - We just want to make things right.

ODD - And the part that's not right is Sam, right ?

JEREMY - Well, if you put it that way, yes.

AELITA - Jeremy, subtle, thanks.

JEREMY - We would like to make sure you are not singled out too much, making you an easy target for XANA.

ODD - Wait what ? Can you hear yourselves ? You are the one avoiding us.

ULRICH - Calm down, we're not suggesting you cut all ties with your girlfriend.

ODD - She's not my girlfriend.

AELITA - Calm down boys. Anyways, this is not what we're suggesting. We were thinking more about a kind of tracker, so one of us could stay not too far away at all times. Of course you'd have to agree to it.

ODD - And what about you try to stop doing that ? I mean, she has done nothing wrong, can't you forgive the mistakes she did in an other timeline ? We all made mistakes. She is hurt by the fact you are avoiding her, she's not stupid you know, she has noticed.

ULRICH - Not that being stupid would prevent her from noticing, you have a point.

ODD - And not only her, it also hurts me. Could you at least try ?

AELITA - I suppose we could ?

JEREMY - Just one thing, what about when we need to talk about lyoko ?

ODD - I think you have enough codewords to talk about everything. Ulrich Yumi and I never understand anything anyways, and you can send us a text. When it's between you, you can always use your "big soft caramel" of something.

Aelita and Jeremy blushed a bit.

JEREMY - OK, we'll try. But on your end, please make sure we don't regret it. Deal ?

ODD - Roger Einstein.

The next morning was a bit weird. Jeremy and Aelita were speaking in coded language, Ulrich and Yumi too (though if they wanted to, Odd and Sam could easily guess what they were saying, but they were mostly gossiping anyways).

ODD - See, I told you, they are not avoiding you.

SAM - They don't seem to acknowledge I'm here, but I guess you're right, that is probably that they are just in love.

As time went on, the group started integrating Sam more and more, until the day:

AELITA - Hello Odd. Sam hasn't arrived yet ?

ODD - She went back. She said she would come back here when her parents get a new project around here, but for now she needs to be going.

AELITA - Oh, true, it was today.

ODD - I'm happy you were able to become friends with her, at least a little bit.

As Yumi arrived, and overheard the conversation, she said:

YUMI - Everyone's got the right to change.

Ulrich finally joined they group, and added:

ULRICH - Except for Sissi. She tried to invite me out again. On my way from the shower to my room.

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