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An other day, an other attack. The group hurried to lyoko. The tower is in the forest sector.

JEREMY - I'm transferring you, be ready.

A few seconds later, Ulrich, Odd, Yumi and Aelita appeared in the middle of a forest.

AELITA - Jeremy ? Is it me of did the forest sector... grow ?

JEREMY - What ? That's unusual.

However the trees that had grown were not standard trees. A few instants later, one of the trees slammed a branch onto ulrich. The young boy reappeared in the scanner.

ULRICH - Crap.

The three friends started running away from the trees.

AELITA - I think this is XANA's doing. Where is the tower Jeremy ?

JEREMY - You should see a path to your left, that's the way to the tower.

YUMI - Seriously ? That path is infested with trees.

JEREMY - I'm afraid you don't have much choice. I'm sending you your vehicles for now, you'll need to be fast.

The path ahead was a narrow path with a lot of trees. They did not all have a XANA eye but it was hard to know which one had it. Odd went first, followed by Yumi on her overwing and Aelita who borrowed the overbike. The trees successfully attacked Aelita, who managed to jump away at the last second and catch the overwing. The two ladies successfully exited the path while Odd got caught by an other tree.

JEREMY - OK girls, Odd is out too. The good news is the path should be clear now.

AELITA - Indeed, there are no more trees, I can see the tower.

JEREMY - Wait, I spoke too fast, there are two monsters coming your way.

It was too late. Yumi got devirtualised because of a hornet's laser. Aelita was fast destroying it, but she was now alone.

JEREMY - Be careful Aelita, you're the last one. Also there is a scyphozoa coming your way.

AELITA - I'll hurry to the tower, Jeremy.

But it was too late, as the scyphozoa was able to destroy the overbike that was left behind Aelita during her fight against the hornet, and started cornering her.

AELITA - Oh no. Jeremy ?

JEREMY - I'm looking for our reset program Aelita, but I can't find it.

AELITA - Great.

The scyphozoa started to wrap Aelita around its tentacles, but Aelita avoided it. Then, she fired an energy field at the scyphozoa. She had only one shot, she knew it.

This time, the energy field hit, and the scyphozoa rushed away.

AELITA - I've managed to deal with the scyphozoa. I'm getting to the tower.

A few instants later, the tower was deactivated and the group was laughing around their breakfast as usual.

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