Truth or Dare

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Sorry guys this chapter isn't gonna be that long but I promise the next chapter will.


We've been playing Truth or Dare for like an hour. The rules were if you didn't do a dare you had to take 2shots. And a lot of people were as good as drunk.

"Ok my turn. Gaara-san, truth or dare. "I slurred.

"Dare."he said.

"I dare you to makeout with Matsuri-chan."I said with a small hiccup.

I laughed at how pink Matsuri turned. Gaara walked over to where said girl was sitting and crushed his lips on hers. Matsuri's small hands inner twined with Gaara's crimson locks.

"Look at that. Billboard brow is playing match maker. Isn't that my job."Ino slurred as she threw her arm around my neck.

"Sasuke-san truth or dear."Gaara asked with slightly pink cheeks.

"Dare."the raven haired teen said.

"I dare you to dance with Sakura to a song of Ino's choice."Gaara slurred.

I felt my cheeks heat up s bit. Knowing Ino and how her mind works this isn't a good idea.

We all went up to the dance room and Ino pulled out here phone and plugged it into the AUX chord.

Ordinary People began to play as everyone sat down except for me and Sasuke.

(Play video)

One again Sasuke lead in this dance and he kept our bodies close together. No matter how hard I tried to keep some distance it wouldn't work.

At some point in the song Sasuke had me pinned up against the wall. In a swift yet elegant movement I moved his arm and slid away from him.

But of corse that didn't stop the great Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke twirled me around then pinned me on the wall again. Before I could react he slid me up the wall and I wrapped my legs around him fearing he might drop me.

Sasuke face was inches away from mine and we just stared at eachother.

"What the hell?!"Shikamaru's voice boomed threw the room.

Sasuke dropped me as Shikamaru slammed him into the mirrored wall cracking it.


So what do you guys think?

Hope you enjoy☺️☺️☺️

Hope you guys are you cookies like I told you🍪🍪🍪

Or else the cookie gods will punish you

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