Chapter three

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Three weeks have passed. Three friggin weeks! I'm all cold and hungry, thirsty oh and pale. No one came to find me.

Not mom, nor dad not even Bella. I thought at least she'd care. I am so damn hungry, I bet I could eat this car in front of me.

Though I have some people who give me food or even a few dollars. I'm so thankful to them. But I still have no place to go to, its almost december and I know that soon even snow will start falling here.

I lay down hoping to catch a bit of sleep. Well this sure does clear one thing, I'm not the favourite child. Mom always did partality which was unfair.

Alex's pov:

I peered slowly outside my window to see her shivering in the cold November winds. I don't know her but I feel bad for her. What did she do to deserve this?

Three weeks ago, I saw her sitting on the corner of the road where there is shade. She looked well fed and her clothes also weren't torn. That meant that she isn't some street urchin who wants nothing to do with their life.

Sometimes when she was asleep, I'd leave some food or a few dollars beside her. I wonder who she is. I have never seen her in this town before.

Inspite the dirt on her body and clothes, bags under her eyes and how thin she is, she is still very, very pretty. I really wish to talk to her. I want to know her reason for being on the street.

But I don't think that it'll ever happen. I think I'm in love with the girl living outside.

I sigh and look at my bag. I'm going to mom's house for a week. She lives in Florida with my sister. My dad's a very busy business man.

I took the sandwhich from the counter and wrapped it in a tissue. I took that bottle of water for the girl. I wore my bag on my shoulder and now I'm ready to leave.

I close and lock my door walking to my car but before that, I stop by the girl and place the sandwich and the bottle of water beside her. I even leave a few dollars just in case.

I walk over to my car and sit in the back seat. The driver starts driving towards the airport.


"Alex!" Mom exclaimed. I ran and hugged her.

"Hey I know I'm short, but I'm pretty sure I'm not invisible!" My little sister called my attention. I hugged her and lifted her off the ground.

"How's my little Anna Wanna?"

"Put me down Alex!" She squealed. I laughed as I put her down and hugged her.

"Lets go now." Mom says. I nod and we walk to our car. We all sit the back seat and the driver starts the car.

My name's Alex Ryder King. I'm 26. I have a little sister, Anna Katherine King. She's 17.

We reached the mansion and our butler took my bag. We three sat in the living room where I was offered an orange juice. I reluctantly took it and sipped it.

"So how's everything?" Mom asks.

"Good." I say. "Uh mom. I need to talk to you." I start. "There's this girl-"

"Ooo, Alex's got a crush, Alex's got a crush." Anna sings.

"What no! I was talking about this girl who lives right outside the hotel." I .

"Eh!" She grimaced.

"Do you want her to go?" Mom asked. "Well I can arange that as she might be a bad influen-"

"No mom! What I meant is, I give her some food and some times even a few dollars-" Anna innterupted.


"Because she isn't a beggar for sure. 3 weeks ago when I first saw her, she was well fed, and wore decent clothes." I argue.

"That's a good thought Alex, but you don't even know her, she might use that money for something illegal, like drugs." Mom explained.

"I don't think so." I crossed my hands. "She seems innocent. And every minute she is on the street. Not once has she gotten up." I say.

"So?" Anna asked rudely. "That doesn't mean that she's innocent."

"Don't you have any studying to do?" I asked.

"Anna go to your room." Mom says. Anna sighs but nods and obeys. "I just want you to be careful Alex. I don't know this girl and it's a nice thing that you're helping but just be careful."

"I know mom. And I will be. I promise." I smile and go up to my own room.

Eli's pov:

I woke up to find a few dollars, a sandwich and a bottle of water kept by me. I smiled thinking about the kind people who gave it to me. I looked around to see the cars pass by with great force.

One car halted by me. A dignified man with a bow tie walked over to me. "You! You are a disgrace to be sitting here on this street in front of this great hotel. Get out of here!" He yelled at me.

"But I have no place to go to!" I defended in a pleading tone.

"That's not my problem. My best friend owns this place and I don't want a beggar like you sitting here begging people for help." He spat. "You filthy creatures are a disgrace to this whole world!" Well, if you feel that then why don't you help people like me instead of arguing and insulting us?!

"You decrease the fame of a place, spread diseases and have no manners!" He growled.

"Enough with that Laurance, c'mon now get lost. Leave the poor child alone!" A lady in her mid-forties came up to defend me. I smiled with gratitude towards her.

"Now! Go away!" She exclaimed. The guy glared at her and walked away with his chin high. The lady turned to me and handed me a 100 dollar bill. "There you go. I'm sorry about him though." She says before walking away. Weird people.

I just hope that I find a way out of this mess.......

A/N: How's the chapter? I hoped yoi liked it. Anyways, please vote and comment. If I get
5 votes and 3 comments (which I'm sure you guys will give me because c'mon, it's 5 & 3!) I'll post the new chapter quick

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