Chapter seven

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A/N: Geez, you people comment like..... every chapter has above 10 comments.Anyways, happy reading.

Eli's pov:

I felt someone shaking me awake. I groan and pull the covers over my head and fall back asleep until they shake me again. Out of blue, without thinking, "Charlie, Bella's bed is across the room. Now let me sleep."

"Uh sorry princess, your prince isn't here yet, though you need to get ready so when witch Emily shows up, you are already ready." A voice says. Suddenly, I'm more than embarrass. Talk about embarrassment

"You've got the wrong castle, try the one beside mine." I say.

"Very smart Eli, now come on." Alex says, pulling my covers away. I felt exposed.

"Ah not the light! It burns!" I whisper yelled.

"Are you really this hard to wake?" He asks. I peep from my right eye and sit up. "Good. Now come on lets go."

"No!" I protest falling down again. He sighs and in a moment, he lifts me up, bridal style, and carries me outside. "No! Let me sleep!" I squirm in his grip, which only makes him hold me tighter. I protest even more while he decends the 4 steps. Ya his pent house is like this, you enter and are welcomed by 4 steps to enter the living room. The living room is the main room. Where ever you go, to enter a room (even the kitchen) there are 4 steps before you exit or enter the room.

I am secretly in love with his home. Ok back to the grip. He laughs as he sees me struggling. The door bell rings but we don't acknowledge it. David opens the door but I am still struggling. "Let me go!" I laugh.

"No princess." He says. At last I give up and lay my head on his chest.

"I give up." I say as I try to make myself comfortable.

"kh-kh...." someone clears their throat making Alex to set me down leaving me off gaurd. He catches me by my stomach.

"Watch it there. I'm still malnuritioned." I glare. Alex however's looking at the owner of the cough.

"Emily!" He fakes exclaims. He lets go off me. "Meet Elizabeth but call her Eli." He introduces. I turn to see a very short girl with blonde hair.

"Hey." I smile. I then turn to Alex. "I should probably fresh up." I quickly walk inside.

Alex's pov:

And I thought I woke Eli late, Emily is 30 minutes early! "Hey." I say as Eli goes in.

"Who is she? And why were you carrying her?" She suspects.

"She's that guest I wanted to introduce. Oh and I was just trying to wake her up." I say simply. I turned to David asking for help. He smiles and leaves. I roll my eyes. Ya, he only helps me with Eli."So..."

"I don't like her." She mumbles.


"I don't know, all I know is that I don't like her." She growls. Suddenly I felt a pang of hatred for Emily. Eli came iut a minute later with damp hair. She looked cute. I smiled at her. I motioned her to sit besides me. "So... how did you and Alex meet?" Emily asked in her sick sweet voice.

"In Florida." I blunt out quickly.

"Uh Er ya, we are family friends." She hesitated. I smiled down at her and she mirrored my expression.

"For how long are you here?" Emily asked.

"For how much ever long she wants to stay." I swing my arm around her shoulder and give it a slight squeeze. I lean down a littla bit, "Play along. I'll explain later." I whispered in ear. "Giggle." I whisper again. She giggles. I wink down at her.

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