Chapter seventeen

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to theambrosia and camsxnutella

Dude, Trish, it'll become ok alright. Everything will settle. Just give it time. 

Nour! Dude thanks for being there when I needed a friend to talk to! #ILYSM 

happy reading :D

Eli's pov:

A whole week has passed and things between me and Alex have become distant. When I try to talk to him, he gives me one word answers. It's like he wants me to stop talking to him. I don't know why but he's been avoiding me. As for Lexi, when I talk to her, she somehow ends up insulting me.

Like this one time we were talking and she started talking about my hair. "Darling, I really think that you need a cut. I mean, your hair has grown split-ends and they look really damaged. No guy would ever want to date a girl with hideous hair!"

I questioned her why she keeps insulting me, and do you know what her answer was? 

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm not insulting you. I'm just describing you." There right there, it hit the nerve. She should be happy that Alex was in the next room 'cause if he were out, I really would've slapped her. 

I cannot take that bitch anymore. My sister and mother are better than her! I have talked to Sam and Jordan over the couple of days and they seem to be really pissed at Alex for building walls between me and him. Maybe I should've just dated him. But then he did say that he'd wait. I think he just needs some time. 

I was out with Sam the whole day. Staying in the same room as Alex and Lexi makes me feel like a third wheel. It was down pouring really hardly today. "There you are Eli," Sam said once we reached in front of the hotel. 

"Thanks for the ride Sam." I smiled at her and got off the car, running inside before I completely wet myself.

"Good evening miss Eli." Luke, the bell boy, greeted me.

"Good evening."

"Could you send Mr. King downstairs, we're having some slight problem here."

"Alright." I smiled and went into the elevator. Once I reached the floor, I took out the key and unlocked the door. The lights of the apartment were off. It was dark. Really dark. I frowned and switched on the lights only to have my heart shatter. 

Lexi was on top of Alex, sucking his face. It seemed pretty heated up make out session. I felt tears prickle in my eyes. "What are you doing?!" My voice screeched making Alex and Lexi startle.

"It doesn't seem what it looks like."

"Then what is it?" I questioned Alex. Someone who I trusted. 


"I should leave you two alone." Lexi stands up and gives me a smirk before leaving the room.  

"I can explain." Alex gushes as soon as Lexi leaves the room.

"Then explain. I'm listening." I say crossing my hands. "What happened? Cat caught your tongue?" Silence. "Though so." I spat. 

"Eli.... Please."

"No what? I had been noticing for days that you and Lexi have been flirting. And now you two are kissing!"

"You're acting like a jealous bitch!"

"I thought you said that you'd wait for us!" I ignored his comment.

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