Chapter fifteen

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A/N: BEFORE YOU READ MY CHAPTER LISTEN TO ME!!!! First of, its a stupid, lame, crappy not-a-chapter-that-Studs-would-write kinda chapter ok? I wrote it while I had high fever! So read at your own risk! Plus its unedited.

Eli's pov:

I was awaken by light snoring in the background. I smiled when I remembered that it was Alex. I opened my eyes and saw his hand over my stomach and his chest pressed against my back. I drew shapes on his arm with my finger.

I felt Alex yawn behind me. I giggled silently as I turned around to look at him. "Morning sunshine..." he kissed my nose.

"Morning." I snuggled close to him. "Thanks for yesterday Alex..."

"Hey don't thank me. I had to do that. Plus, your dad dropped by your laptop yesterday." He whispers in my ear. I smile at the thought. "So what do you want for breakfast?" He asks. I shrug.

"Anything's fine."

"I'm sorry but there is no meal named 'Anything' on the menue." He says sitting up and stretching his limps.

"Well then surprise me..." I smirked and got out of bed. I made my way to my room and got dressed up for the day. I walked out only to be hit by the sweet aroma of Bacon with eggs. I made my way to the kitchen and hugged Alex from behind, resting my chin on his shoulder. "Smells good."

"Bet it does." He smiles. He grabbed my right hand that was on my left hand, (which was wrapped around him) and kissed it. "Only for my favourite girl." He said. I felt my heart flutter. It feels so good when he stays these kinds of things.

"Aren't you sweet?" I kissed the back of his ear. He nodded.

"I try." I laughed smd let go of him. I sit on the counter and watch him cook. "Eli I love you."

"I love you too." I smile.


"Did I tell you how much I love you?" Alex asked.

"Yup, 10th time this afternoon." I reply. He stole a kiss.

"Well make that 11, I love you."

"I love you too." I say. I go back to me messing up with his piano.

"Listen to this..." he grabs his violin and starts playing a melody.

"I know that you are the girl for me
I see you in my dreams
Everyday at night
When the moon is in the sky
You are the star I know"

Seems like someone just made a song.

"When the sea is wild
The sand is cold
Its you that I think of
Everytime, everywhere....

So baby, be mine forever
We can finish this together
Cause when you're with me,
I forget about the seven seas
And be your forever"

Uh oh....

"Eli, sing along!"

"I don't know what to add." I say.

"Be mine forever"

"Thats a lot of time to think of."

"Oh you'll be mine..."

"Alex stop." I said and he stopped.

"Eli, be my girlfriend..." he says.

"I-I can't." I say honestly. His face fell.

"Why not?" He questioned. "You love me and I love you, so lets date."

"Alex, I hardly know you. I don't know what your interests are, what you prefer, what kind of a personality you have." I tried to explain. "Alex, I need to make sure that if I date a guy, I won't break up with him in a month's time."

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