29th June Specials

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Hey guys, today, for most of you, it is 29th June. Which is actually my birthday. Yay! I'm 13! Plus I'm spending my birthday with theambrosia 'cause tonight my sister's leaving and my parents would want to spend time with her and not me!

Anyways, today, I'm going to give you all a special chapter. I hope you enjoy it. (It might not be that big tho.)

Happy reading.

Third person's view:

It was a stormy night. The branches of the trees shook violently. The wind was producing a weird haunting sound. The owls hooting was clear and audible.

Everyone in the whole city was in their houses, enjoying hot chocolate and marshmello's, sitting near the fire place. Some going to bed early. It was only two people, probably the craziest of all, who were walking on the streets of New York in this crazy weather.

"I cannot believe you! You're actually making me walk through this scary weather!" The girl cried.

"Get a grip Eli, it's just a walk." The young man said.

"Walk to death." The girl mumbled. "Alex, lets go back home."

"No!" Alex said folding his hands.

"Your wish." Eli turned around and started walking when the clouds thundered and lightning struck, making the poor girl run to her boyfriend and clutch his hand. "On second thoughts, I'm good here."

Alex laughed. The lightning struck once more making Eli's hold tighter. "Eli calm down. It's just a lightning."

"I've never liked lightnings." She wimpers. The couple continued their small walk in silence. The scary winds continued to make scary noises. The owls' eyes shone in the moon light, which was really creepy.

Eli was getting more scared second by second. "Alex if I don't make it, then tell my dad that I love him."

"Don't be ridiculous Eli." Alex's laughter echoed in the atmosphere.

"I love you Alex and I'll miss you." Eli said hiding her face in his arm. Alex stopped laughing and halted. His smile fell and a frown appeared on his face.

"Eli, love look at me." He cupped her face. "I'd never let you slip away from my hands. You said to wait for us to happen. I waited. And sure we did happen." Alex smiled. "There are no words to describe how happy I'm with you Eli."

Alex kissed her cold lips. "Let's go home..." she pleaded. Alex nodded and the two walked back home.

Once home they made hot chocolate and sat near the fireplace just like how everyone did. They sat in silence when suddenly the winds became stronger than before. Alex kept his beloved close to him and soothed her with soothing words.

The winds didn't stop. Neither Alex nor Eli knew if it ever will. But there was one thing that they were sure of.

The undying love of their's for each other would never come to a halt in the future. No matter what the situation would be. They were positive that they would love each other the same, forever.

How romantic.... *sigh* that was truly deep what I wrote.

Anyways, this is end of the special chapter. I'm sorry if it didn't make any sense. I might add this chapter later in the future as an official chapter.

Anyways, please vote and comment. 5+ votes and comments on this chapter.

Please comment on the last chapter. I know that it wasn't that great of a chapter but please!

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