Chapter fourteen

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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Eli!" Everyone screamed. I smiled at the crowd.

"Thanks you guys..." I cheered. This was the best birthday ever!

"Happy birthday Bella! You look stunning!" Someone shouted making me frown. Later I learned that it was Alex. I looked at him to see him and Bella flirting shamelessly. I felt warm tears roll down my cheeks and when a hand was placed at my shoulder, I yelped in surprise. It was Jordan.

"Its ok Eli..... Its ok." He soothed. "Eli." He shook my shoulders violently. "Eli!"

"Elizabeth! Wake up!" I jolted up from my sleep. "God you cry a lot in your sleep." Alex laughed. I frowned in confusion. Was I sleeping? Was my birthday thing just a dream. I was both happy and sad at the realization. Happy that Alex and Bella never met. Sad, cause no one knows about my birthday. "Anyways, I have a small surprise..." Alex says. "I'm taking you to your prom. And you don't even have to worry, because it is not in your school. Dad's friend is hosting a party in his restaurant and with special requests, the theme is a prom dance. Everyone is going to be dressed as if they've come to a school prom!" He exclaims. I smile at him. At least someone is trying to make me happy.

"Alex that is so very sweet of you but you didn't have to do that. Prom is nothing special and nor is today. Its just a plain day." I say. I roll off the bed only to be stopped by Alex.

"Today is a very important day Eli. Prom doesn't come every year. You need to enjoy it when it comes. Ok? And why do you always go negative? If you think closely, everyday brings in new moments. Sure they can be bad sometimes but there have been good times too..." he rambles it out. I looked down at the ground. I feel his lips on my cheek again. "Rise and shine princess." He whispers before letting me go and walking out of my room.

Such a small gesture. Yet, so much meaning.


"Wait so let me get this straight, Alex wants you to dress me up for the prom and for that we need to go shopping to get our prom dress?" I asked Sam for the 4th time. Sam just nodded, annoyed with me asking her the same question again and again. "But-"

"Oh just come on already!" She exclaimed and dragged me to her car. She kicked the engine in and within seconds, we hit the road. The ride was silent. I couldn't stop thinking of what Alex said in the morning.

"God you cry a lot in your sleep."

No! Not that one, "Today is a very important day Eli. Prom doesn't come every year. You need to enjoy it when it comes. Ok? And why do you always go negative? If you think closely, everyday brings in new moments. Sure they can be bad sometimes but there have been good times too..."

Ya that one..... It was as if he was talking about my birthday not prom. I didn't know why, but I had a feeling that Alex does know that today's my birthday. I just hope that he does.....


"Oo how about this one?" Sam asked. It was pink and it came just below my knees, it had sequins all over it. My answer was simple,

"No." I said folding my hands. Sam groaned again.

"This is the 3rd dress. Choose one already, Eli!" Sam said dramatically waving her hands in the air. I looked around the store. My eyes landed on a black dress. It was short but it looked cute. It was full black, even its sleeves. And it looked like it'd come to my mid-thigh.

"That one." I pointed it out to her. Sam started laughing.

"Its not a prom dress Eli! Its just a dress, you can't wear that!" She said whilst laughing. I frowned at her.

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