Chapter twelve

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Dedicated to Chris_1225

Eli's pov:

Dad walked up to me and engulfed me in a tight hug. I wrapped my hands around him as he stroked my hair. "Eli? You live here?" I nodded and gave him my famous smile, showing off my pearl white teeth.

(I just laughed over 'pearl white' cause my friends name is Pearline! Chris_1225)

Dad turned to Alex. "I am guessing that you brought her here?" Alex nodded and gave me a weak grin. I gave him the 'I-am-extremely-sorry-for-not-telling-you' look. He lightly shook his head signaling that its fine. I smiled widely at him and sat beside dad. We spent some real good time talking to each other and with the rest of the Kings. Turns out we all were pretty close friends. Dad also said that Anna and Alex were my best friends but when they used to have a fight, I would prefer to go to Alex while Bella went to Anna.

I blushed at the statement. Anna smirked at me. 'You so love him!' she mouthed. i blushed again and turned my head to the side.

"I never expected any of you to remember you guys being such close friends, you all were 5, 7, 14 years old. Ok fine I expected Alex to have remembered." Dad said.

"Hey come on!" Alex whined. We all laughed at the silly little Alex.

"Aw, it's okay." Anna cooed pinching his cheeks. He swatted her hands away making all of is laugh harder.

"I should get going." Dad stood up. "Thank you Alex for taking care of Eli." Dad smiled at Alex. "Eli, stay safe, I'll bring your phone tomorrow so that we can remain in contact. Kay?" he asked. I smiled and nodded. After dad left, I was pretty tired to remain awake and mingle in the next conversation so I headed to the bed.

I plopped myself on the bed as sleep came over me.


The next day, Anna, Dorothy, me and Victor planned on going outside. Alex said that he wanted to stay back and rest for awhile. We didn't stop him and left the next minute.

Alex's pov:

I was laying on the couch as the doorbell rang. I groaned as I got up to open the door. Why can't everyone just go to the other side of the world?!

I opened the door to reveal Emily. Yay! *Note the sarcasm*

"Em? What are you going here?" I asked.

"Just came to say hi."

"There you said it, now bye." I said shutting the door only to be stopped.

"And spend time with you, you silly." she invited herself inside. I mentally groaned as I closed the door. I sat on the couch, way away from Emily. "Alex, I need to tell you something." Emily started.

"And what will that be?" I asked.

"I like you. I don't know if you noticed it but I really, really like you." she confessed.

"Emily, of course I noticed it. No offence but, how can I not when you act all weird with me?" I asked.

"Right, so.... do you like me back?" she asked. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"I do........." I said. I saw her smile widen.

"But only as a friend." I said as her smile dropped. "I'm sorry but I like someone else."

"And who would that be?" she asked angrily.

"Eli." I said without any hesitation. I saw her tense up.

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