Chapter fifteen

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A/N: I wrote this chapter again 'cause the last one was....... I'm speechless that I wrote that chapter.

Happy reading.....

Eli's pov:

A few days have past since my birthday. Things between me and Alex are certainly different. But I don't think that we are an actual couple. He hasn't asked me yet.

To be honest, I'm not ready. I don't even know Alex as such. I don't know his personality, his way of thinking. I only know him as.... him. Its not that easy to understand or to explain but what if we break up in a week?

It would be so awkward. "Stop! Stop thinking! Stop! Noooo you're thinking again!" I scolded myself. Yet I ended up thinking. My mind drifted to another topic tho. What if someone reads my mind? That would be embarressing!

"Hey, what're you thinking about?" Alex asks taking a seat at the table, holding a fresh sandwich made by David.

"Nothing..." I mumbled. I got up and was making my way to my room when Alex caught my hand.

"No one can think nothing. Lemme guess... you were thinking about not thinking because before that thought you were thinking about us." I sighed and nodded.

"Have I done this before?" I asked.

"You pretty much yell it out," he said letting go of my hand. " 'Don't think, stop! Stop thinking!' " he immitated in a high voice.

"Do I really sound like that?" I asked, worried that my voice is so squeaky. Alex laughed.

"So.... what were you thinking about us? Like.... you know, what was on your mind?"

"Nothing... anyways, I am meeting Sam today."

"You are? I mean she is?" He asked. "Gosh the girl takes no interest in my love life."

"Isn't that good?" I asked.

"No." He replied bluntly. "Whenever I need advice about some girl, I end up taking it from Jordan 'cause Sam doesn't care."

"I don't know why, but I'm happy to hear that." I say. He laughs at my statement. "I'm being serious. Plus, we've become quiet close friends. She's a good friend." He nods. "But she can definately be annoying."


"So... what's up girlfriend?" Sam askes as we drove down the street.


"Ok fine, what's up with you and Alex then?" She asked.

"I don't know." I replied bluntly.

"Have you taken a pledge to not give direct answers?" She snapped.


"Ok stop it! Its annoying!"

"Fine." I mumbled. "I don't know what kind of relationship I am in with Alex."

"Seriously? You two have yet not started dating?" I shake my head. "Why?"

"Well, he hasn't asked me yet. And even if he did, I don't think I'd say yes."

"What why?!" She asked. I tried to explain her which didn't turn up pretty good. "Makes no sense."

"It does. I can't explain it. That's the only thing." I shrugged.

"You are making a big mistake." Sam shook her head. "Alex is not ready to feel rejection all over again."


"Eli, I know my best friend and he is way too fragile for the decision that you've taken."

"Well that decision is final. I'm not dating Alex until I know that I'm ready to date him." Sam was about to say something but I quickly shut her up. "And the decision is final."

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