Chapter four

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Alex's pov:

I just returned from Florida. I exited the airport to be welcomed by the snow. Snow oh shit!

I rushed to the car and ordered the driver to drive fast. Once I reached home, I noticed the girl laying on the pathway. I rushed to her and check her pulse. Faint.

She was cold. I picked her up and once again rushed to my car. The driver drove to the hospital. I quickly took her inside and a few nurses came with a stretcher.

They took her away to the examination room. One nurse came to me. "What's her name sweetie?" She asked.

"I don't know. She lives outside my hotel appartment." I tried explaining. She nodded, understanding.

After an hour or so the doctor comes out. "Are you with the girl inside?" He asks. I nod. "Well she's perfectly fine just malnutritioned."


"Does she have a place to go to after this?" He asks. I think for a moment before replying.

"Yes she does." I say. Now I'm not a cold hearted beast, I'll keep her with me. In that way I'll get to know her. He nods.

"Then she's free to go at 5 in the morning that is in 3 hours." He says checking his watch. I check mine to see that it's 2 am. "Well ok then." He walks away.

I enter the room. The girl is sleeping on the stretcher. Her lips are blue. She has dirt all over her. Her clothes are a bit torn. Then realization hits me. What will she wear at my place once she's able to walk and stuff?

I quickly pull out my phone. "Sam, I need your help. Well do me a favour and buy a few pair of clothes, of your size...... What no! I'm not gonna wear them! Just buy them........ I'll pay you later. I promise....... by the way, what are you doing sitting up this late at night-oh wait, early in the morning? Oh ok sorry. Bye and thanks."

Well at least I have one friend who I can trust. I walk out to go to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. I buy a sandwich and fiddle with my phone while eating it.

Once I'm done I go back to check on her. I decided to freshen up, so I go home.


Its 4:59 and they allowed her to go. Well they said that she can go once she wakes up but then I thought that it'll be better to wake up in a bed instead of a stretcher and think; oh no did I come under a car?

Trust me, I've been there in life. I carry her to my car and instruct the driver to drive home.

Once we reach, I take her upstairs to my pent house and much to my surprise, I see Sam waiting there, her phone stuck to her ear.

"Alex what happened!?" She asked.

"Shh! You'll wake her up!" I whisper yell. She nods.

I pass Sam my keys and she opens the door. I take the girl; you know I should name her, I don't like calling her 'the girl.'

Well let's see um.... she's cute and pretty, how about belle? It means beautiful in french. Ok belle it is!

So I take Belle to the room adjacent to mine. I lay her on the bed and before leaving, I switch off the light and close the door.

I turned around to come face to face Sam. I jumped back. "Who is she?" She asked.

"She lives in front of the hotel right there." I point my index finger the place where she used to sit.

"You brought home a filtchy beggar!?" She shrieked with a disgusted face. "Why?"

"She's not a beggar and I'm trying to help her ok. Don't jump to conclusions. You don't know whether she had some problems so she ended up on the street or was she a beggar from birth ok." I exclaim. I take my wallet and pay for the clothes.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. Never mind. If you need me, call me." She said. I nodded and she left. I sat on my couch and stared at the blank TV screen. Do I really like this girl?

It's been months, almost 2 years from mine and Janelle's break up. I think I do like this girl. It's like love at first sight cause as much as I remember, the first time when I saw her, she was pretty, no doubt about it.

I get up and peep into Belle's room. I can see her looking around. I smile and enter the room.

Eli's pov:

I wake up in a bed. Wait was that all a nightmare? That me getting thrown out of the house? Or is this a dream?

I look around to see that I'm in an unknown room. Scary. Just then the door opens and a cute guy enters the room.

"Hey. I'm Alex, I brought you here cause you are malnutritioned and you had no other place to go to." He says. I open my mouth but start coughing.

He quickly grabs the glass that was sitting on the bed side table and helps me sit on the bed. I try to hold the glass but he shakes his head.

"You are way too weak to carry it." He says and makes me drink it. Speak of an awkward moment. Once I'm done he puts the glass back. "Go easy there tiger. You haven't spoken once in what, 4 months. Give your voice some time. It ain't gonna come that fast."

I nod. I wonder who he is and why is he helping me. He places a bell on the side table "Ok now, if you need me, ring the bell ok, don't even think of being shy ok?" He says. I nod slowly. "Oh ya. As I don't know your name," I went to open my mouth but he spoke up. "I will call you Belle ok? Now I don't know why that name though. It means beautiful in french. Uh ok I should stop talking. Bye, rest sometime." He laid me down and switched off the lights.

Who the heck is this Alex? I need to find out.

A/N: Sorry for the wait guys. I hope you enjoy the chapter. 8 votes and 5 comments for the next one ok.

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