Chapter 7

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Everleighs POV:

After a long day at the waterpark yesterday we were all pretty exhausted. It was a hot day again so we all sat outside and played with chili and Ethan was reading.

I had shorts on and was sitting against the pool splashing my feet around. It was really peaceful outside chili was running around with damiano and Victoria. I didn't know where Thomas was.

After a few seconds he came running up to me and sat next to me. "Heyy" I said "hi I'm bored" he said "me too" he randomly started smirking like he had an idea. He got up and started walking away "Thomas what are you doing????" I yelled as he ran inside.

After a minute Thomas ran out with a water gun and he started shooting at Ethan reading his book. "THOMAS WHAT THE HECK MY BOOKS WET" Ethan screamed Thomas giggled.

He ran towards Damiano and Victoria and started squirting them with the water. They screamed while running away. He then started coming after me I got up and ran to the other side of the pool where he couldn't reach me.

As we were both running around the pool after a bit he yelled "IM GONNA GET YOU WET EVERLEIGH" I bursted out laughing on how wrong that sounded. As I was laughing that gave Thomas time to run up to me and he started shooting me with water I screamed "THOMASSSS"

I stood there drenched in water while he bursted out laughing I needed revenge. I ran up to him when he least expected it. I stole his water gun and started running whilst shooting at him. We were both laughing.

He ended up running around through the house I followed with the water gun. Ethan screamed "GUYS DONT BRING THAT IN THE HOUSE YOULL GET EVERTHING WET!!" I didn't care I kept running after Thomas I needed revenge. Once I thought I had caught up to him he was gone.

I walked around the house looking for him I turned a corner and bam there he was we both knocked into each other and fell down. Right on top of each other we layed there for a couple of seconds smiling staring into each others eyes.

As we were on the floor giggling I grabbed the gun and shot at him. "Got you Thomas" I smiled widely whilst still laying on the floor on top of each other. We bursted out laughing.

Damiano came in and saw us he looked at us confused "what the heck are you guys doing" Ethan walked into the room once he noticed I used the gun inside he yelled "YOU GOT THE CARPET WET" we all started laughing.

Thomas and I got up and walked into the lounge room we sat next to each other. Since we were good friends now after he sat down I layed in his lap and he played with my hair.

Every moment with him I just started liking him more and more. I wish he felt the same way. After laying for a bit we both feel asleep. Victoria was taking pictures of us and videos and posting it to her story.

Once I woke up and checked her story there was a video of us sleeping and her whispering "aww how cuteee" I blushed really hard watching the video. I didn't realise Thomas was a awake too and looking at my phone. He laughed then said "you look cute when you're sleeping" I blushed and slapped his arm as a joke.

The others were in the studio recording and Thomas and I walked in. Damiano said "finally the two love birds arrive" "we're not together" I said "sure sure" damiano said smirking. I blushed.

I sat there while they were practising their new song I couldn't stop admiring Thomas he was so talented. Once they had stopped I said "you're so talented Thomas wow" he blushed and looked down embarrassed.

Victoria teased Thomas "he's blushing now cute" she giggled Thomas continued blushing. After rehearsal was finished we had nothing to do so we sat on the couch and decided to play a game of truth or dare.

"Truth" Damiano said to ethan "who's your celebrity crush" Damiano said "you bby" we all started giggling. Truth or dare Everleigh damiano said "Mmm dare" "I dare you to make out with Victoria" Thomas was shocked I smiled and said "okay" just go piss of Thomas.

I walked up to Victoria and started making out with her. Damiano was cheering us on. I was enjoying it Victoria was hot. After a couple of minutes Thomas looked mad at us once we let go we were out of breath the first thing Victoria said was "wow you're amazing" I blushed looking at Thomas just to make him mad I said "not as good as you" I winked.

Thomas seemed very jealous the whole time and I loved it "truth or dare Thomas" I said "truth" he said "do you have a crush on anybody "yes I do" he said while smiling "who?" I said curiously "I'm not saying" he smirked.

After we played the game we were all exhausted and went to sleep Ethan and damiano slept next to each other Victoria by herself and me and thomas I felt confident so I cuddled up with him. I felt safe in his arms.

As I was getting tired he whispered in my ear "you kissing Victoria made me really jealous" I looked over at him and winked he groaned "you don't know what you do to me princess" I blushed and continued hugging him.

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