Chapter 11

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After our cigarette we went to sleep. When we woke up I was so exhausted since I barely had any sleep. Today måneskin had a concert and I was lucky enough to come with them. They were travelling to Copenhagen, Denmark.

They made a set list with a new secret song and wouldn't even tell me. We all packed and got ready then went on the plane. The plane ride was pretty nice I was so excited to see them perform I was so proud.

Once we arrived in Copenhagen fans were waiting outside of the airport. Once we walked out there were hundreds of fans screaming so loudly. I was shocked how many people came to get pictures and autographs. After about half an hour and everyone was finished we left to go to our hotel.

We all stayed in one big hotel room, the concert was tonight and we all were so excited. It was the biggest arena they have played in their lives Thomas was so anxious. I've never seen him this anxious before.

As it got later and when the concert was 5 hours away from beginning we left to go there. I was so excited as we were in the car we played the radio and we were all singing to the lyrics it was so fun.

They were all starting to become my best friends I felt to comfortable with them. Once we got to the venue we all ran in to find the dressing room. Since the venue was so big it was hard to navigate where to go.

Once we found the dressing room we all sat down and we played music we had 2 hours before soundcheck. Thomas and I were dancing to hayloft by mother mother and the others were cheering on and as usual Ethan was on his phone not paying attention.

After a while we both got tired and Thomas sat on the couch and I sat next to him cuddling into him. He sat there playing with my hair while we all talked about things.

As we were on the topic of family damiano asked "do your parents know your with us?" I did an awkward smile. "They used to love you guys a couple of years ago. They would have been so happy knowing I'm friends with you all now." I said with tears forming.

Damiano looked at me in confusion "used?" "Yeah um they died 4 years ago a year after I discovered you guys, you really helped me stay positive and I got through it eventually it was very hard but it felt like you guys were there telling me everything will be okay." Victoria smiled "I lost my mum 6 years ago I understand" I smiled back at her "thank you vic"

After a while of speaking it was now time for soundcheck. As they were playing once again I couldn't keep my eyes off Thomas he was so beautiful all I did was admire him.

After they finished they're first song I applauded extremely loud they all laughed while I screamed "THOMAS YOURE SO SEXY PLS MARRY ME SEXY BOY" I giggled while we all bursted out laughing even all the stage crew were bursting out laughing it was a really fun soundcheck.

Once it ended I asked Thomas "you never did the new song?" He smiled "were saving it for the concert" I looked at him in confusion "why??" He smirked "you'll see"

We headed back to the dressing room and they all got changed into their outfits. They wore a white theme and they all looked so beautiful. I was so excited for them.

Once it was time for the concert and the arena started filling up I thought to myself "wow that used to be me out there and now I'm here behind stage watching them" I smiled widely.

After we waited a bit it was now time for the concert to start the fans chanted "MÅNESKIN, MÅNESKIN, MÅNESKIN!!!" Once they went on stage the fans squealed at the top of their lungs. Screaming filled the arena and cheering and clapping coming from every direction.

Damiano walked on stage and yelled "hello Copenhagen this is måneskin" they began singing zitti e buoni behind the stage I was watching them constantly smiling. Thomas kept looking back at me every couple of minutes to give me a smile.

Once half an hour had passed they started playing the new song. I looked in confusion when Thomas was the one walking up the mic ready to sing. Why was Thomas singing?? I thought to myself.

As they started playing more and more I realised what song they were playing it was "we fell in love in October" by Girl in red. I gasped why was Thomas singing this not damiano??

Thomas then said "I decided to sing this song dedicated to someone I love" he looked at me and smiled. I gasped was this song for me?? Did he just admit he loved me?

He began singing.

Smoking cigarettes on the
roof, You look so pretty and
I love this view.

I smiled so hard his voice was so angelic I wish he would sing more he continued.

We fell in love in October
That's why, I love fall
Looking at the stars
Admiring from afar

I couldn't help but smile. The audience loved this too they screamed and cheered on Thomas. He continued singing but looking at me. He began walking towards me holding out his hand.

My girl, my girl, my girl
You will be my girl
My girl, my girl, my girl
You will be my world
My world, my world, my world
You will be my girl

He grabbed my hand and continued singing bringing me onto the stage being on a stage this big was so overwhelming. But all I could think about in this moment was Thomas. Once we reached the middle of the stage he continued singing.

Smoking cigarettes on the roof
You look so pretty and I love this view
Don't bother looking down
We're not going that way
At least I know, I am here to say

The whole time he sang to me smiling constantly while I smiled back I was so happy. Once the song ended the audience screamed and squealed Ethan, damiano and Victoria were clapping too.

He then randomly started kissing me right in front of all these people. They screamed so loudly happy cheers were coming from the audience once we were finished he grabbed my hand and brought me backstage.

He smiled "did you like it?" I smiled so hard. "You were incredible I love you" once I realised what I said I gasped. His face went bright red. "Everleigh I love you too" we both smiled then kissed at this moment I couldn't be happier I wanted to stay with Thomas but he had to go back on stage and finish the show.

Once another hour went by the concert finally had come to an end. We all went back to the dressing room.

You, Me, Us || Thomas RaggiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin