Chapter 15

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It has now been 1 day since I have come back home late last night I took the pill so hopefully I don't get pregnant. But it should be fine.

Being by myself again has been extremely boring especially without måneskin they make any situation fun. And I was missing Thomas very much. The whole morning we had been messaging back and forth about how much we missed and couldn't wait to see each other.

Since I had nothing to do and I hadn't seen my best friend Alan in a while I decided to call him over for a sleepover.

Once Alan arrived he ran in and hugged me. He squealed "ahhh everleigh I missed you so so so much" I smiled while hugging into him. "me too!" I said excitedly.

As we sat down on my bed the first thing Alan said was "I can't believe your boyfriend is Thomas" I giggled while saying "me too it feels like a dream I love him so much"

Alan then said in a awe voice "I saw the song Thomas singed to you it was so adorable I'm so happy for you everleigh" I smiled widely "thank you Alan"

As we were just talking about random things I thought to myself it would be a good idea if Alan came with me next time I saw Thomas. That way he could talk to Ethan I know he always secretly had a crush on him.

I turned to him and said "hey Alan do you wanna come with me to Rome next time I see Thomas? There's someone there I want you to meet in person" he looked at me happily "sure of course I'll come, but who will I be meeting?"

I smirked "Ethan" he looked at me and blushed. I giggled and said to him "you like ethan, you like ethan" he playfully slapped me on the arm to get me to shut up but I loved teasing him.

During the night we played a couple of board games and watched a movie it was now midnight and we were so tired so we went to sleep.

The next morning when we got up Alan had to leave since he had to go to work. As I waved him goodbye I shouted "hope you're excited to see ethan!!" He rolled his eyes and got in his car.

Once he left I decided to go see my dad since I hadn't seen him in a while. I was excited to finally see him since it had been so long.

As I arrived at his house I was quite happy to see him. When I opened the door my dad was sitting on the couch watching tv he looked at me and gasped "EVERLEIGH" he ran up to hug me. "I missed you so much sweetie" he whispered while we were hugging. "Me too" I said back.

During the day me and my dad are lunch together and played with his dog Gus in the backyard it was a very relaxing chill day but it was nice.

After lunch with him I went home.

now a week had passed this week I had barely done anything I decided I should go back to rome since thomas is there and I hadn't seen him on over a week. I called alan and got him to pack for rome I didn't know how long we were gonna stay so I told him to pack a lot.

I also packed as I was almost finished I had an idea I grabbed my lingerie and packed it into my suitcase as a surprise for thomas. Alan came over to my house and we left to go take a plane to rome. Thomas didn't know we were coming to it was a surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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