Chapter 18

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I slowly test my movements, my brain slow like I had forgotten how to function. My fingers are stiff to respond, but the fact that they respond at all is a relief. Water tastes alien to me as I sip from a cup. My vision is blurry, the light making my head ache. I have no memory of why I am here which comforts me.

"Mari," a soft, unfamiliar voice says close to me. I turn and my eyes desperately try to focus on the face. At first, the blur looks like some tall and dark-haired creature like the hero in my dreams. A man that haunts me with a deeply accented voice. My dark angel.

As my vision focuses it blurs into a man I do not know, my heart sinks in disappointment. "How are you feeling?" he asks me. The man seems nice so I answer him.

"I feel ok...tired, and a bit...confused. My head hurts a little," I say, is that my voice? It sounds croaky and husky.

He smiles encouragingly at me. "Do you know where you are?" he asks. I shake my head slowly, which makes it ache more. He nods understandingly.

"That doesn't matter I suppose, you are safe though. You are in a clinic. We revived you from death. It took you almost a month to come back to us," he explains gently. I listen, trying to access my memory, but it is closed to me feeling like a dark deep tunnel.

"Thank you," is all I could say. He smiles brightly.

"You are most welcome Mari. My name is Doctor Julian Black," he holds his hand out. It takes me a good few minutes to shake it, aware that he is watching me closely.

We talk so more, rather idly as he knew better than to try and get me to remember things. He seemed nice and I felt comfortable with him. He explained that due to my drug intake, he would have to wean me off slowly, preventing me from going into shock again. Most of it went over my head as I struggled to focus on his words, my eyes wandering around the room. He watched me slowly eat and drink and then spoke to me some more.

By the second day, I felt tired and fidgety. "When can I leave?" I asked although I had no idea where I would go. He laughs softly.

"Not for a while yet, I'm afraid. Your body is recovering fast from your... accident... but the drug recovery will take much longer," he replies and I pout disappointed. "Perhaps seeing some friends might help?" he asks. I light up, though again I have no idea who he means. The word friends bring no memories. He smiles and says he will work on it, leaving me to wonder who is coming to see me...

The next time Julian walks in, he was rudely shoved aside by a blonde handsome pixie. "Gods!" he gasps and runs to my bedside.

"Remember slow words, and he may not remember you," Julian warns, unfazed by the rude entrance. A red haired, lanky pixie walks in after him and stands hesitantly at the door. The blonde takes my hand and I stare at him entranced. He was so beautiful, and the face seemed familiar. We stare at each other curiously.

"Tavi?" I say uncertainly. He frowns and my heart drops. He laughed lightly afterwards.

"Oh my dear lapan, I have missed you," Gustav replies. I smile shyly at him, the nickname triggering my mind. He hugs me then, so sudden and hard it takes my breath out of me. I see Julian tense but relax at the look on my face.

"You smell nice," I say, making Tavi chuckle against me.

"I'm afraid you don't lapan, but that doesn't matter," he replies, his voice musical with Hasser accent.

"Gustav, he doesn't remember you, moron," growls the redhead. Before Gustav can reply, I argue.

"Of course I do, Katze," I reply. He moves forward, his face completely shocked. It breaks my heart to think he assumed the worst. Tavi laughs happily at his face. I get another breath-taking hug from Tavi and Katze sits next to him. He stares at me in disbelief.

"Julian told me what you did, without you two, I would be dead," I say trying not to cry in front of them. Tavi's pale eyes water as he takes my hand.

"I'm so sorry," he gasps into my hand. I look to Katze sadly. "There is nothing to apologise for. I am here because of you two, and I will never forget that," I say softly getting a hint of a smile from Katze.

We talk together happily for hours. Tavi boasts on how much I was in the media and stirred up so much trouble. It caused him so much grief and endless battles with the press. It soon pushed legislation to focused on crime in The Pits and inspired action against faerie slavery. Already there were movements in place to abolish it altogether. "And the Vatican has been working away endlessly to ensure these laws are written right," Tavi says causing the room to fall silent. Julian coughed uncomfortably. It was the first time they had mentioned my dark angel. For I knew it was him now. My mind was still fuzzy on him, but my feelings were there. I knew what I felt for him was as special as I felt for these two.

Tavi scratches his neck awkwardly. "Ah sorry, I didn't mean to kill the conversation," Causing a frustrated groan from Katze, which made me laugh.

"It's alright. How is the Vatican?" His name sounded strange on my tongue. They both looked at each other and then to me, their faces hesitant masks.

"He has been... busy. Well, but busy," Tavi replies awkwardly. I smile, glad to hear he is doing well. It sounded normal to me.

"Have you been behaving Katze?" I asked trying to change the subject. Tavi gave a surprised laugh and conversation flowed once more.

By the time Julian ushered them out, I got a quick careful hug from Katze and a strong warm hug from Tavi. He turns and murmurs "He misses you," making my heart lurch. I tighten my grip in response. I settle down softly, exhaustion washing over me. I fall asleep, Tavi's whisper echoing in my mind along with the hungry pale blue eyes.

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