Chapter 7

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Two months later...

I watch as Gustav walks in and sits quietly near me in the meeting room. I was the only one left, too lazy to move back to my office when I had another meeting in an hour. I notice Gustav's quiet entrance and frown. "What's wrong with you? I thought you always liked these meetings?" I ask confused, it was time to find more 'entertainment.' The last couple of months, I had relied on my own clubs and Burlyn fae, I was ready to broaden my horizon again.

"Oh? Nothing. It's been a long day," he sighs. I feel guilty, since using my own clubs and Burlyn Fae caused him more trouble in the media. I have been careless. More than before. Why? I wonder. Was it stress? Probably.

"Heh, I agree with you there. Which is why I feel inclined to treat myself," I begin. His unenthusiastic response catches me off guard. What was his problem? I tap my nails on the desk. He looks at me then, his eyes sad.

"Vatican, I... don't want to do this anymore," he sighs.

My nails stop. "What?" I growl. Is he serious? He turns his body to face me full on, holding up his hands.

"Please hear me out. I just... I don't feel right doing it anymore. I am happy to do my 'normal' job but finding fae for you to fuck isn't in my contract," he explains. I stare at him, surprised. Where had this come from?

"But I-I thought you like that?" I ask confused. He had done it for me before I can remember. Had he always? He shakes his head slowly, sadly. He looks almost pitiful at me.

"I thought I did. It was fun when we were younger. But now... I don't. The fae stay younger as we got older it seems," he says looking away.

I groan. "This is some legal shit, isn't it? Did I fuck up? Sleep with an underage or something?" I groan berating myself internally. He chuckles.

"If only my lord. It's not that, to be honest, it seems the media had gone off your trail for a while. They're used to it by now. I don't know what it is. I kinda... feel bad for them," he finishes looking at me.

I swallow my rage. "Are you saying I'm, what, the Takarhk or something?" I growled. The Takarhk was a grim faerie tale, about a horrendous old creature that stole young and beautiful fae for his own sick pleasure. They spoke of it to older fae children to stop them becoming too vain – although it rarely worked.

"Oh no, not at all. It's not you that gives me the reason to feel sorry for it's just... their lives are so... empty. I mean is that really all they do? All they work for?" he asks sadly. I sit back a smile playing on my lips, relieved that I am not the reason.

"My dear Gustav, they are fae. It is their nature. Just as it is for us pixies to go out and industrialise the world, make it a better place. They just like helping us feel better. In a way, we all help each other in the end. It's just the way things are," I explain, finding this entertaining. He sits quiet, contemplating my words. After a moment he nods.

"I suppose you make a good point. I just want you to know that I am less inclined to do this for you now. I will help you for a while but eventually, I don't want to be involved anymore," he states firmly.

"That is a shame, it will be no fun without you," I pout.

He smiles at me then, causing me to feel relieved. "Of course, I know your tastes better than you do," he replies, his old-self returning. I bark a surprised laugh.

"So, what do my tastes think we should have this time?" I ask unable to hide my eagerness. He reads his notes quietly for a moment. He looks at me hesitantly.

"Well... do you remember that one from The Pits a few months ago?" he asks carefully. I sit back, his hazel gorgeous eyes flashing in my memory. I would never forget them.

"Yes?" I reply carefully.

"Well...You seemed to enjoy him last time. Although..." he sighs. "He maybe dead for all we know."

"He isn't," I reply a little too soon. He looks at me surprised. I shrug, feeling myself blush. "I was concerned with Gerald's judgement. So I made sure the boy was well again. You know how bad it would be if he ended up dying days later? Awful. No, he's fine. On the drugs again, but alive," I explain, avoiding eye contact.

A sly smile creeps to me as I watch relief wash over Gustav. I tsk. "Why didn't you tell me you were concerned for him? I know you liked him."

Gustav blushes. "How?" he asks looking at me. I roll my eyes.

"That big mouthed red head Katze. You know he can't lie to me," I reply proudly.

Gustav smiles. "Heh and here I thought I was hiding it well. I admit it. The boy is adorable. But I can see him as one of your regulars. He definitely has the looks. The only problem is his origin, but he won't be seen enough for us to be concerned with that yet," he replies.

"Yet?" I grin interested in what plans he has for my little lapan.

"Well yes, who knows where his pretty ass may take us?" he replies. We both laugh.


Katze - The Pits

I groan as the smell assaults me. The sleazy salty scent that haunted my memories. It was like being a child again. I truly hate this place. I mutter to the group of men following me to keep an eye out. I didn't need them, but Vatican didn't trust me enough not to make a scene. I didn't mind, as it made them more likely to hand him over to me. I approach the ringleader, masking my disgust. The things this man probably does to him, I couldn't think about it. If I did, I would kill him where he stood, no one would know. Probably a good thing the boss didn't come, he would have shot the ringleader dead and that doesn't need to be in the media right now. I could tell that the boss liked the boy. The way he wanted me to track him after returning here, keeping an eye on him, rarely talking about him but when he did, a small smile playing on his lips. And he wouldn't send his men here, risking exposure for one boy for no reason.

"We are here for the boy, orders from the capital," I say firmly, barely able to keep my shit together. This guy reeked of violence. His face tainted with drug abuse.

He nods a little too fast. "Yes of course. You are early again. He is ready for you though. It is double what you paid last time, right?" he mutters leading us to the room. It's a small awkward office, which is badly put together. Flies dotted the dirty window. The smell was worse in here.

I roll my eyes at him. "Of course...whatever you want. But this time it's a week guarantee. The boss is busy and wants him available. Half has already been sent to you," I mutter to him, unnerved by his giddiness. He gestures his hand, his nails caked with dirt. A tacky woman behind us shoves the boy in, causing him to fall at my feet. He is wearing the same stupid outfit I first saw him in again. I blush ignoring his exposure.

"He is cleaned and ready for service. I gave him extra sleep time too, as you requested," the man grins greedily at me.

"Thank you, my boss will be most pleased," I reply coldly. I lean down and take his hand. "Come, Mari," I whisper softly. He looks at me, his face confused with blurred recognition. He looks thinner than before - if that was possible. I lose myself in those sad hazel eyes, irises diluted with poison. I scoop him up, pity overwhelming me. He is dirty but I don't care. I need to take him away from here.

"Take good care of him," the man sneers as we walk out. I feel Mari panting against my neck, his limbs shaking. "It's alright, we got you for now," I mutter to him as I walked faster. I feel him squeeze me, tears wetting my uniform.

"Katze," he croaks taking in my scent. I blink away my own tears. Damn this kid, I never cry. I sit in the back with him, feeling relieved as the car pulls away from the cursed town. I put a blanket on us as I let him sleep on me, his body feeling relaxed, my body shaken from revisiting my dark past.

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