Chapter 2

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I have not always been the bad guy, the asshole. In fact, some say that I can be a rather good guy. Especially regarding the Pixie Province and its welfare. For over six years I have held the title of Vatican – the head of a political party that is in charge of running our fine country.

Alongside two other parties, we correspond with the The Circle (also known as Pixie Royalty) to govern the Province and its laws. There wasn't always three parties either. The Left wing (my party) was one I created all on my own. I suppose it's an advantage being born and bred in the capital city of Burlyn, but apart from that, all I did was cause an uprising.

When I was a child, Burlyn was a dark and dismal place. Alongside my family who got by with what we had, Pixie society was repairing itself from a war that had shattered the country. A dictator had risen up and tried to wipe out the Blondie subspecies, causing panic and destruction throughout the country. Soon it bled into a civil war and then other races got involved. Soon the whole known world was involved in tearing this pixie down. Sadly, as clever as he was, he was able to last far longer than anyone could have imagined. I was born into the damage that he had left behind. What was a fine and prosperous country in my grandfather's time, was soon diminished from greed and arrogance in my father's time.

Being brought up in the shadow of what our country once was, I was soon weary of the promises of my father's generation. Luckily, I was sent to a good school, one that had upheld good pixie values and nurtured young, intelligent minds. It was a miracle really, my school days influenced a lot of my future choices and I suppose, I have a lot to thank for them.

I made good friends. Friends that came from families similar to my own, ones of high status and were desperate to continue to rise and clear the mess up that the previous generation had made. I soon found my passion in politics, determined to find the reason that man had been able to rise to power. How he had convinced a whole nation to follow him, despite it contradicting everything that was taught to them up until that point. I was disappointed to find that a lot was either coincidence or dirty underhanded fear tactics. It reflected his weakness as much as the nation's.

Throughout school, I began to build my own following. I was passionate that there was a way to revive the pixie pride and in the right way. What started as a simple club in school where we enjoyed debate and politics, soon grew outside and attracted other youths from around the Province. I found that a lot of males and females my age felt the same frustration and bitterness for being born into a country that was once great but now a ruin. The more awareness my views gained, the more my following grew. And it wasn't as easy as that. I still had a lot to learn and a long way to go before I made Vatican.

At that point, it wasn't even deemed possible (a ridiculous rule my father, Elgar, had me believe). But the more popular I got, the more my party took its shape.

Soon, the followers ranged to thousands, although my father insisted it was a fad. He was a typical pixie male of his generation. Cold, calculating and bitter at life. In a way, I also have him to thank for my success, for without him being the bastard he was, I certainly wouldn't have been pushed to change society for the better (yet I never would admit it, I simply do not have it in me to give him such credit). It seemed the more popular and passionate I grew in my purpose, he grew more passionate in trying to eradicate the movement. I sympathised with his rationale completely. His idea of another uprising and movement to change the Pixie Province threatened him, his very existence based on the comfortable life that the country paid out for because he was made to fight in the war.

And if that wasn't enough, it was by his own son's hand, one that he always considered a rival (his words, not mine). Bah, he was always a fool, and I found it slightly amusing that he would feel threatened by me at my mere age of seventeen.

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