Chapter 4

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I sip my bourbon as Gustav walks in. The alcohol already giving me a low buzz. "It's been a fucking long day," I groan as he sits next to me at the meeting table. I still have all my reports spread out but can no longer see the numbers.

"Good thing I got you some entertainment then," he chirps giving me his friendly smile. I smirk back. "You were successful then?" I ask, sipping my drink again.

"Uh... yes. Well... he is not from here so you will have to speak the common tongue, Karing to him," he says.

I chuckle dryly. "I won't be speaking to him much anyway." Gustav was always good at finding little treasures for me. That's why I knew would make a good publicist. His eye for detail was greatly appreciated in these matters.

"There is... something different about this one," he hesitates, causing me to pause.

"Urgh, I said I didn't want a different hair colour this time. It's blondes I want," I groan looking at him.

"Oh no! He is blonde my lord... it's just... I don't know. He isn't used to the capital. He seems... shy," he says carefully. I grimace, looking at the glass in my hand.

"He isn't a virgin is he?" I ask quietly to my drink.

"No my lord. I think it's just his nature. You know faeries can be sometimes. Remember the forest ones?"

I smile at the thought. "Mm, I suppose that's ok then. The capital sluts can be too cocky anyway," I mutter, sipping my drink again. I hear Gustav give a relieved sigh as I drink.

"Is Katze with him?" I ask swirling my drink mindlessly. Gustav confirms it. "What does he think of him?" I ask playfully. I have no idea why I am stalling. Sometimes I like watching Gustav squirm, he worries too much.

"Um, I think he approves. We would know if he didn't right?" he chuckles nervously. I pout as a thought comes to me.

"Do you think I am getting too old for this?" I ask quietly. Gustav lurches, surprised. "You? Of course not! You are barely near your thirties," he answers.

"How old is he?" I ask quietly. Am I worried? Why am I worried about this?

"We are not sure. I would put him at seventeen," he says quickly. I wince at his words.

"I need more drink," I sigh, putting down my empty glass, regretting I had even asked. I watch him get up and pour me another, I smile at him gratefully. "You might as well join me," I grin pouring him one. I watch him wince as he takes the glass.

"Are you sure? You haven't seen him yet," he mutters sipping it noisily. I chuckle as he swallows it, trying to mask his displeasure.

"Bah! I trust you. You have never let me down before," I reply drinking my own drink. I enjoy the sweet taste on my tongue. I can feel Gustav watching me.

"Is... everything alright Vatican?" Gustav asks quietly. It is informal of him, but he knows I let it slide.

"Urgh, I don't know anymore... It took all day to recover from last night. I feel older. Tsk, it's that fucking Gerard pushing marriage on me again," I grit, gulping more drink. I suppose being with only one boy for tonight will help.

Gustav groans. "That man should keep his nose out. The only reason he is married is because it was arranged!" he groans. I chuckle at him.

"Yeah, it's like his parents knew he was going to be ugly," I giggle a little too hard, followed by Gustav's.

"Have you ever considered marriage?" I ask him seriously. He sobers up and considers it. After a moment, he shrugs.

"Not really. I like doing my own thing too much. Having a husband will just tie me down," he replies inspecting his nails. I nod thoughtfully. Gustav was a receiver, so if he married, the husband would have the advantage on the majority of things legally. I don't blame him. He was attractive (I mean, he is a blondie and I have fucked him before) but he had reached the age where he was used to his independence. I suppose that was like me.

"Well I suppose it's time to enjoy my independence," I sigh finishing my drink. Gustav does the same and stands with me. A wave of weakness hits me, making me realise I am drunker than I thought. I let Gustav go first and follow him out, leaving my reports as they are. Since I hardly slept I could easily return to them once I sobered up enough. The meeting room comes out into the lobby when Katze is sat on the couch. "Didn't know you were allowed to take breaks," I mutter eyeing his casual position.

He smirks at me. "He is in there, my lord," he sneers with a cocky grin. He motions to my apartment, which is attached to my office. It is where I stay in the weekdays. I walk in wondering, when did I give Katze a key to my apartment?

I frown as I walk in, expecting him to be on the couch. When I see that it is empty, I walk around considering if this was some sick joke they have played on me. I swallow my paranoia as I see him on the bed.

Among that sheer dark sheets of velvet-like material, he lay asleep. Urgh, could they have dressed him to make him look any younger? I finish my drink, my eyes staying on him. He was beautiful. His face serene in sleep. He lay on his back, one arm lay across his body, the other above his head. His sheer top raised slightly, teasing me with the promise of soft skin. He moaned slightly and turned his head, remaining asleep.

Oh gods, I had to remember to give Gustav a raise. It wasn't normal to find them asleep. Usually, they were buzzing, having already guzzled the alcohol in my apartment, or waiting anxiously to please me. Everything about him gleamed new as I approached the bed. I was impressed with his soft white tresses. I stroked them, the texture reminding me of a rabbit.

Slowly he woke up, those big hazel eyes finding mine.

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