Chapter 11

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We sit in the cafeteria as I munch happily on a sandwich. Katze eats little, his phone ringing every now and then. We chat casually when I notice Gustav approaching us, his face worried.

"Katze, you idiot," he seethes slapping him on his head with the files he held. "What's up with you?" Katze hisses, annoyed, his hand rubbing his head.

"The boss is furious thanks to your little stunt earlier. You've surely done it now, fancy bringing him on this floor!" he hisses back gesturing to me. I sober up realising my mistake. I stand which gets their attention.

"I'm sorry Gustav, it was my idea. I just wanted to see what went on here. Katze told me of the work that goes on here and well..." I trail off shyly. He sighs sitting down next to Katze, gesturing for me to do the same. As I do so, I find myself not hungry anymore.

Had I truly maddened Vatican? Will he punish me?

"I wouldn't worry yourself cutie. It was Katze's carelessness that pissed him off. You will be fine," he says taking my hand comforting me. It did little help as I grew worried for Katze.

"Will you get fired?" I ask Katze, upset. He shrugs uninterested. "Probably not, just a lecture as usual. I'm the friggin security manager, I know what I am doing," he replies, looking pointedly at Gustav.

"Katze," a man spits as he shuffles towards the table. He was large, red faced, and unhappy. "My lord Vatican is looking for you," he says, his voice whiny. Katze rolls his eyes at me, making me giggle. "I wouldn't keep him waiting, young man. If I were him, you would be long gone from this building with an attitude like that, already today you have caused my lord much grief," he sniffs disapprovingly. I fall quiet, disliking the man's tone. "Oh, and who are you?" he sneers, realising my presence.

Gustav stands, "My lord's guest, young Mari. Mari, this is Gerald, Vatican's accountant," he mutters, casually trying to block Gerald's intent stare with his body. I hesitate and decide to stand, bowing slightly like I had seen others do. He chuckles dryly, his mouth twisted in a sneer.

"So... you're the junkie we have had to pay to look after," he spits, eyes glaring. I blush, with the loss for words.

"Watch it, Gerald," Katze hisses in warning, not looking at him. Gerald chuckles again, his eyes slithering over my body.

"Hmph. I'm surprised my lord would stoop this low for a fuck. But then stress does give us crazy ideas," he laughs, his voice cracking. Katze growls.

"Katze don't rise to it," Gustav hisses.. I sit, lowering my blushing face, shocked.

"Who knows, maybe it's a new craze he's starting, perhaps when he's done with him-" his hand touched my hair. Before I knew it, Katze's hand bolts to his, grabbing his wrist. For a moment, everyone is paused in shock.

"Get your dirty hands off me, you rat from The Pits," Gerald shouts causing others to look at him. Katze stands, his hand remains latched to the man's wrists. My heart pounds in panic, the look from Katze was dangerous.

"Katze, please," Gustav whispers, his voice shaking.

"Help me, someone!" Gerald shrieks as Katze pulls his hand away from me. He stares Gerald in the eyes, his look deadly. No one rushes to help the man, but a few stop to watch.

"If you EVER touch Lord Vatican's guest again, I'll kill you," Katze seethes. Gerald seems to snap and pull his wrist back just as Katze let's go. He walks off, not looking back. "I'm going, Gustav show Mari back to the apartment," he mutters, his voice dark. Gustav nods and takes my hand, walking me fast to the corridor. Everyone who stopped, watches us go by with interest.

VaticanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora