Chapter 10

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Katze storms into the living room, his face red with anger. "What's wrong?" I pause the tv, watching him pace.

"I just had a fight with the boss, that's what," he hisses, not looking at me. I bite my lip in concern. "About you, of all people," he groans sitting on the couch near me. I am sat on the floor as I was drawing in a notebook Gustav gave me.

"Oh, was it bad?" I ask worriedly. I edge closer to him. He looks at me, his thoughts on the argument. He sighs.

"It's because he slept with you," he says sadly, almost pouting. I sigh too, feeling confused why this would anger him so much.

"Katze, it's my job," I say sadly looking at him. He crosses his arms in an insolent manner, making him look younger.

"Yeah well, it shouldn't be. You're better than that," he mutters. He flinches surprised by his own words. He thinks I am better than that? I look at him intrigued. He shrugs. "Well I dunno, you're too nice for that shit is all," he says blushing, his eyes avoiding me.

I start to giggle. "Katze, you're blushing," I chuckle. He looks at me and laughs too.

"Well, it's your fault for making me feel bad for you. I'm not usually the compassionate type," he chuckles. He pokes me in the side playfully.

"Was it bad? Did you really shout at him?" I ask curiously. It was interesting to think he stood up to his boss like that. And to think it was for my sake? I don't think anyone had done that before. How is he not fired by now? Vatican must really care about him...

"Pfft yeah. He shouted at me too. It happens during this time. It's stressful this debate stuff," he explains. I nod my mind on tonight. How can I make him feel better? Why doesn't he sleep like the others?

"What is the debate season about?" I ask curiously. Katze scratches his head in consideration.

"Well... during this time in Burlyn, the political parties have to compete to remain top parties of the government. They do this through popularity and debating their campaigns. As leader of the left wing party, Vatican has to drive the left wing to stay as the leading party alongside the The Circle. It can be competitive and get very tiresome sometimes, it usually involves finding new policies to interest the public to push for legalisation, stuff like that," Katze explains. I nod, deep in thought. It reminds me how important Luka Vatican is. Especially to the Pixie Province. If I remember he was the youngest to ever successfully put together a party on their own. He was such a smart man. I find myself wondering what he sees in me.

"Wow, he's so... important," I mutter in thought.

"Pfft, I always thought that too when I met him. But the more I spend time with him, the more I realise he is just like you and me, he has his weaknesses," Katze says eyeing me. I blush.

"Katze, be honest, what does he see in me?" I ask hesitantly. He winces at my question. "I mean, I know he likes blonde faeries... but why me? He could have anyone in Burlyn or the whole Pixie Province if he wanted," I say.

Katze rolls his eyes. "He probably has, you know. Well... I dunno. He just likes you. For all I know, you are godlike in ability or something," he mutters. I laugh, shaking my head. "You sure?" he asks grinning. I laugh more. "No, no, I don't think so," I giggle. He laughs at me too. A mischievous thought comes to my head.

"Anyway, it's more like him who has the god-like ability," I sigh at the memory. Katze mocks a retching sound.

"Now I know for sure he doesn't. I mean yeah he was good but..." he trails off, watching my surprised reaction.

"You...?" I ask shocked at the thought, unable to finish my sentence. He groans at his admission.

"Damnit...I mean – I imagine – I guess – fuck...Yeah, fine, we... might've... had sex... a long time ago," he sighs as I start to giggle. The idea seemed mad, I was lying if I wasn't slightly dismayed I had missed it. "And?! I was young and stupid. He hired me and I thought he was hot..." he trails off as my giggles turn into a laugh at his explanation. He tsks as he blushes as red as his hair.

"Aw I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of you. I was just... surprised," I mutter, feeling guilty. He smiles shyly, accepting my apology.

"Anyway... that's history, his tastes have grown way more refined since then," he mutters, not looking at me. Now it was my turn to blush. A thought occurs to me.

"Katze have you and Gustav... done it?" I asked connecting the same attitude he treats both men. He stares at me completely confused.

After a moment he snorts. "Hell no, what gave you that crazy idea?" he asks incredulously. I shrug.

"I dunno, you two just seemed close, I rarely see him without you and vice-versa," I explain feeling embarrassed I was wrong. He chuckles in surprise.

"Well, that is true. I never realized before. I mean we do work a lot together, the guy has good ideas but needs my guts to pull them off. I guess it's down to the fact we started working for Vatican at the same time. Kinda always stuck together you know?" he explains as I listen, fascinated. I loved learning about these men that I saw every day, each one having their own success story, each connected to each other in their own way. It was an inspiration to me, who came from nothing.

"Anyway, I came here to get you some food, what do you want?" he asks, standing up sharply. Katze gave me the impression he never sat around for very long, which explains why he was so lean compared to the other pixies.

"You mean... I can choose?" I ask in wonder. He frowns. "Well yeah, how else are you-..." he cuts off as if remembering something.

"Oh right, you're not used to it?" he asks sadly. I nod and stand, my neck hurting from looking up at him from an awkward angle.

"Well...why don't you come with me? It's a nice cafeteria to eat, plus it gets you out of this... sex dungeon," he mutters, his face bitter. I happily accept, excited to find out more about this place. With Katze leading the way, I gasp in wonder as he shows me the pristine building where the Left wing Vatican of the capital resides.



I feel myself grow heavy with dread as I sit through my afternoon update on the current policies in preparation for the debate season. It's moments like this where I really loathe my job. Why me? Did I actually choose this torture?

As I watch the screen, reading half-heartedly, Gustav nudges me, and I follow his gaze. On the left side of the room, the wall is glass, allowing me a view of the corridor. My heart starts in surprise as I see what he is motioning towards. There in my corridor strolls my lapan. Led by that red headed bastard of an assistant. They both walk by completely unaware of my eyes. Katze is deep in an explanation as he gestures to the corridor around him, ignoring other members and colleagues that walk by. My little lapan listens to him intently, as he licks an ice cream, looking too innocent for this environment of politics. I notice those that walk by also notice him as I do, their eyes dropping to his shorts. Gustav coughs reminding me of where I am, my face surely showing the anger I felt. They walk ahead, lost in their own world and curse them for their distraction. After that, I couldn't take in a single word being said.

"Where is Katze?!" I grit as we walk out of the meeting.

"Now my lord, let's not act hastily," Gustav says, struggling to follow my pace. We reach my office and I get out my cigarettes.

"Find them and bring them here," I mutter, pressing the cigarette between my lips.

"My lord, please," he begs sadly edging out of my office, knowing how dangerous it was to question me in this mood. I sit slowly and exhale, smoking slowly. Perhaps I was too rash. Katze wouldn't do anything stupid, and the boy won't try to get away. I had too much work to concern myself with them. I can deal with it later when I am thinking more clearly.

"Fine, leave them. Make sure I am not disturbed," I mutter opening my file. Gustav smiles relieved.

"Very good sir," he sighs, closing the door.

VaticanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora