Chapter 13

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I ignore the niggling voice that was wondering where Mari went. As we reach the club, I assume Gustav must have taken the initiative. I had completely forgotten about Dixi's visit and felt guilty about it. My favourite was here for me. As long as Mari was safe, even if it wasn't by my side, there wasn't any concern, was there?

"My lord?" I feel Dixi's tongue lick my jaw, his breath smelling sweet reminding me of candy I had as a child. I let it distract me from my thoughts.

"Sorry, these policies are becoming an issue," I mutter distractedly. He tuts noisily and I feel his hand on my thigh, his pretty polished nails close to my crotch.

"Those pesky policies," he breathes. I gulp my drink heavily, hoping to drown out my thoughts of disappointment at the absence of those large hazel eyes.


We stumble back into my apartment, and I hunger for his touch. Faces blurred and voices echo as I place myself on the bed. I frown as Dixi opens my trousers expertly. Have I forgotten something? I groan and push away whatever thought I was trying to catch as he engulfs my cock, I had forgotten how good he was at giving head.

I hear Dixi chuckle and look up, rage flashing as I assume his amusement is from me. His gaze is directed at the wardrobe. "What is it?" I slur irritated. His gaze slides to me slyly. He crawls up my body, purposely grinding himself against me.

"It's nothing, my lord," he grins as if he had thought of a joke. The arrogance was enough to fuel my passions and I spin him onto the bed. I tear off his clothes (of what little he wore). He rubs his hands down his body as I did this, deepening my arousal. I pull his legs over my shoulders positioning myself to enter him. He giggles again which grates on me. I look at him, annoyed. He bites his wet lips seductively.

"Fuck me," he purrs. As I used him, I saw him occasionally look over at the wardrobe and laugh loudly through lustful moans. Whatever he was thinking of, was seriously turning him on, which only encouraged me more. I had to remember to ask him tomorrow... What was so damn funny?



A deep groan woke me from my fitful sleep. I briefly forgot where I was. I look through the shutters tiredly to see Vatican on the bed. His eyes closed facing the ceiling. A wet noise drew my eyes to his legs which hung over the bed. I then noticed Dixi and felt sick. His groans increased in volume and my vision blurred. This had to be a nightmare. "What is it?" I heard him bite. I look up and my mouth dropped as my gaze met Dixi's. His smirk was enough to comfort me that I won't be exposed. I then watched him climb up Vatican's body, sensually. Briefly, I was impressed with his skill. His reply was soft spoken which I couldn't hear. Whatever it was seen to anger Vatican as he spun them around. My heart dropped as I heard Dixi say "Fuck me."

Before I knew it, tears fell from my cheeks. I was unable to tear my gaze away as I watched the scene. I had seen people get fucked all my life, why did this affect me so? I felt my hand got to my wrist. The pain as my nails bit the skin soothed the moans as I watched them on the bed. As they collapsed in orgasm, I passed out.


A loud knock woke me. I looked to the bed where Dixi lay lazily alone. "Enter," he mewled. Tavi stormed in.

"What the fuck?" he roared causing Dixi to frown. Even his angry voice caused me to shudder. "What the hell are doing here?" he hisses, causing Dixi's frown to deepen.

"Have you gone mad Tavi? It is my stay," he replies cooly.

"Where is he bitch?" Tavi grits. Even though the males were both blonde, you could tell Tavi held the more power, his aura more self-assured.

It takes a moment for Dixi to understand what he is saying. He grins slyly. He stretches exposing the purple bites littering his body. This emits a growl from Tavi. Slowly, Dixi points to the wardrobe.

"I think you left some trash in there," he sighs, his grin fixed. Tavi storms to the wardrobe and slams the doors open. The daylight burns my eyes.

"Shit," he gasps pulling me to my feet. I wobble, going dizzy from being pulled up too fast. I hear Dixi's cocky laugh. "What the fuck? I didn't actually think he was still in there," his body shook with silent laughter. Tavi rushes past him, as I stumble alongside him. "Pah! Is that blood on him? What a fucking weirdo," he sneers, not moving from the bed.

On the way through the bright corridor, I stumble and vomit on the floor. My body shudders and shuts down.

"Katze!" Tavi barks as I pass out.


"He has regained strength but I don't know how much longer he can last on the serum," I heard a voice say. I feel weak and achy. My eyes flutter open to a clear white room that smells light and musky. I turn on the bed and see Tavi talking to a man in a long white coat.

"Long enough to last another week?" Tavi asks. The doctor nods. "Listen, we need to talk about his scars," the man says concerned. Tavi crosses his arms uncomfortably.

"You know he is from The Pits," he mutters.

"No, I mean the ones on his wrists. He's been cutting himself," the doctor said coldly. I saw Tavi put a shaky hand to his forehead.

"I know. I was meaning to tell you that," he said quietly. The doctor's mouth pouts in disapproval.

I cough which gets their attention. "Shhh," Tavi rushed to my side and hands me a glass of water. I drink slowly, eyes heavy. His hand strokes my hair, his nails caressing me. I hear the doctor leave. "I'm so sorry," Tavi sighs sadly. I frown at him.

"It's not your fault," I croak, my voice still dry.

Tavi shakes his head. "It is. I let that happen. I was so busy I forgot all about that stupid slut. I didn't mean for you to see him," he says sadly. I sit up slowly with his help.

"It's ok, I didn't mean to get in the way," I reply. Tavi stares at me weirdly. I feel awkward and look away.

"He doesn't know, does he?" I ask quietly. Tavi swallows audibly and shakes his head. I sigh relieved.

"We'll keep this between us," he says shortly, placing his hand over mine. I smile at him gratefully.

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