Chapter 15

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I inhale my cigarette deeply. Was this debate season ever going to end? I look up to the ceiling, fighting to remain focused on the boring presentation in front of me. I waved away questions as I stood to leave. I straighten myself as I misjudge how drunk I was. I'd had enough for one night. I made my way to my apartment, policies and speeches running through my mind.

As I opened the door, I was greeted with Dixi leaning against the wall. He wore a see-through gown that accentuated his figure. I sighed in relief at the sight. Perfect. I take him in my arms and kiss him, not wanting a conversation with him. A quiet knock at the door gets a growl from me.

"Ignore it," he whispers, stroking his leg up mine. I oblige until the knocks come again. I open the door, my scowl obvious and ready to berate who ever it was. Large hazel eyes met with mine and heat in me deflates.

"Lapan?" I ask stupidly. He blushes and looks at me shyly. I noticed that he was wearing different clothes to before. An oversized jumper over his shorts. He looked adorable and delicious.

"Who is it?" Dixi's voice comes from within. I ignored the voice and pull him inside.


I have no idea what I was doing here. Wasn't he finished with me? Tavi insisted that I make my presence known. "But why?" I asked him confused. Tavi sighed, sounding tired.

"You are good for him, whether he admits it or not, you are a better influence than the others," he explains. I understood little of what he meant but followed him all the same, after all, he was much more intelligent than me. I blushed when Vatican answered the door and stared at me. I had forgotten what his hungry gaze did to me and I felt glad that I had been pushed to do this. I gasped as I was pulled into his apartment. As I followed him down the hallway, I heard a whining voice.

"But why does he have to be here?" As I reached the bedroom, I was met with a scowling Dixi with his arms crossed in defiance. I blush seeing what he is wearing. Vatican leant down and kissed his cheek. "Play nicely," he warned and went to the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on and look at Dixi. He snarled at me making me jump.

"Stupid slut," he hisses.

"I-I'm sorry," I whimpered, hugging myself. Dixi smirked and strode towards me. He got within inches of my face.

"I warned you last time, to fuck off," He threatened.

"Tavi told me to-" I was cut off as he pushed me against the nearby wall, hard. The impact winded me.

"Listen here you little bitch. If you ever try to do anything to break my routine, I will stab those pretty eyes of yours," he spits at me, his thumbs pushing hard into my fresh wounds making me yelp.

He drops me and makes his way back to the bed and positions himself seductively. I hold back my tears as I feel my body rattled with bitterness. What was I doing? Why was I here?

My thoughts were cut off as Vatican stepped into the room. His black hair was swept back, wet and all he wore was a towel at his waist. His body was more muscular than I remembered and Dixi whistled. Vatican chuckled and sat on the bed. Dixi got straight to work and started kissing him passionately, his hands stroking his wet chest. I watched them blankly.

Vatican broke the kiss and turned to me. He motioned for me to sit on the bed next to him on the other side from Dixi. I did so slowly, painfully aware of Dixi's venomous stare. Vatican turned to me and kissed me deeply like Dixi. I thought of doing the same movements on his chest but settled with my hand on his heart. I felt it pounding against my palm and hummed against his lips.

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