Chapter 9

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I feel a finger nudge at my ribs, a sensation that isn't as painful as the boot. I stretch languidly, feeling sheets caress my bare skin. "Morning sleeping beauty," Katze grunts, placing down a glass of more green liquid. I sit up and yawn, surprised that I didn't feel Vatican get up. "He didn't?!" Katze bites angrily, dropping to the side of the bed, showing his disgust with what Vatican had done to me. I nod, smiling. He rolls his eyes. "Well don't look so damn proud about it! Jeez... you really do like it don't you?" he groans looking at me disgusted. I would be ashamed if I didn't feel so good. When had I ever woken up feeling this fresh?

"Drink up," he says handing me the glass. He watches me closely as I drink it down.

"Vatican is already awake?" I ask, missing him already. Katze places the glass back down with a heavy thud on the table.

"Yeah, don't think he even slept last night, he rarely does around debate season," he says as if it was normal.

"He must be stressed," I pout, feeling I hadn't done enough to help him. Katze clicks his tongue. "We thrive off it. I wouldn't worry, from what I heard he is in a pretty good mood, despite it being the morning," he says. I smile, relieved. Katze shakes his head at me.

"Whatever you do to him, it works," he pokes my head. "Just don't let it get to your head, we already have enough faeries around here like that," he remarks and I giggle. I really like Katze. He was funny. I assure him that I won't and he leaves me to dress.

A knock at the door and Gustav enters. "Oh no! You can't wear that old thing, here," he grins handing me a t-shirt and shorts, both which are black. Very capital-like. I blush in surprise.

"Thank you, Sir," I mutter changing in front of him. Now it was his turn to blush.

"Oh, no need to call me sir, G will do," he smiles, his eyes darting away from my exposure.
"How about Tavi?" I ask. Gustav turns to admire my clothing.

"Sure whatever you want cutie pie,' Tavi smirks at his handiwork.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Katze growls behind him.

"Oh, Katze why do you always sneak up on people like that?! You could give someone a heart attack," Gustav gasps, making me chuckle.

"Leave him alone to change, you perv," he grits pulling the door closed.

"Katze, I was just handing him some appropriate clothing," I hear him gasp through the door. Gustav made me laugh too. I could see why Vatican had them working for him. They were loyal, but funny as well.

"'re lucky I don't report this to the boss," Katze sneers.

"Hmm. I think this role has gone to your head young man," Gustav sneers, making me giggle more. I could barely dress with those two at it.



"I can't believe you slept with him," Katze grits pacing my office.

"Last time I checked Katze, I didn't take orders from you," I mutter, lighting a cigarette.

"One night, that is all I asked, a one night respite. He's a kid!" Katze barks.

I stand enraged. "And what? Gods, Katze if I wasn't in a such a good mood, I would fire your ass right now," I shout, the horrible truth fuelling my anger.

"And you are an old man, who can't keep it in his pants," he spits. I shake with rage.

"Better an old man that and stupid boy who keeps running his mouth off," I roar, feeling I had risen to the immaturity of the moment. Gustav walks, in reading off updates, oblivious to the argument. "And... oh, I'lll come back later," he turns and walks out with one look from me. I watch Katze for another moment and sigh. This fool is going to get himself in trouble. I feel like I am his father sometimes.

"Katze, you can't call your boss an old man," I mutter. He sits and crosses his arms defiantly. "What is this really about? I haven't got time for your shit," I growl leafing through the reports I spilt ash on from my cigarette.

He sighs loudly, pushing his hand through his hair. "I don't know. It's just, he's a good kid you know? I like him," he mutters quietly. I roll my eyes, I don't see why this means I can't sleep with him.

"Well, he has a good friend looking out for him then. Gods know, he needs it," I mutter looking at my reports. Katze sits a moment scratching his neck in thought.

"He really likes you, you know," he mutters sulkily. I smile as I continue to read my papers. I knew it already, but hearing him say it made it sound even better. Katze coughs and I put my papers down holding my smile.

"That's good to hear. I like him too," I reply, looking smug. Katze shakes his head slowly. He stands and walks out without a word, cleverly choosing to not run his mouth. I chuckle as I read the rest of the reports, my mood still light from the night before, anticipating the night ahead.

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