~How They Met~

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  I wake up to my phone on the side table next to me, buzzing and vibrating.
  I sit up in my bed my turn off the alarm I set for me to get up at 7:00 am. I got up and walk over to my dresser, pick out some clean clothes, and get changed for the day. I head  to my kitchen and open the fridge. There was barely any food.
"Looks like I should got out."
  I say to myself, thinking out loud. I grab some leftovers and sit on the couch to then proceed to eat the Chinese dinner. Turning on the TV to some cartoons. You loved to watch cartoons because they inspire you to do more animating.
  (Just an authors note: even if you don't draw or animate. Remember to try your hardest and you can do your best <)  )
  After i finish the food i threw away the plastic container. Going outside was very dangerous, since there was a zombie apocalypse out there. I grabbed my favorite knife and went outside.
  The walk was not to far from the nearest abandoned grocery store.
Once you got there started to look for anything that could fit in the plastic grocery bag. Some of the lights in the place flickered on and off but the majority for them where off. Near the back end of the store had stored some food that ment to be frozen. But some of the freezers where surprisingly, still working!
  I grabbed some Cola from the freezer along with some pizza's and garlic bread.
"Damn. This is one hell for a hall."
  I say to myself. I walk into the other isles to end up getting apple sauce, butter, and some off brand cereal called "CACA PUFFS." I finished my hall for food I look at the expression dates on the items I had in the bag. Luckily everything was still edible. Then I head outside the run down building and walk home.

~one small time skip later~

  I was almost home but then I saw two people fighting. One character looked like a zombie clown and the other looked like some kind of war criminal. Then they where heading towards me.
"WATCH OU-" Then everything went black

~long time skip~

  The back of my head hurt like hell. I slowly open my eyes, to a room I don't recognize. Wait, IM NOT IN MY HOUSE! I quickly look around at my surroundings. I was in the living room of someplace. The wall in front of me had two doors on each side and a stair case in the middle. Then there was a kitchen to my right.
   "Well, looks like someone finally woke up." A deep and raspy voice came from behind me.

What have I gotten myself into?

(This is the design I came up with for y/n) (y/n= Your Name)

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(This is the design I came up with for y/n) (y/n= Your Name)

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