~Home Alone~

474 19 12

"Good night, Pebble."

I woke up in my bed, but Hank wasn't next to me. I guess he got up early. I role out of bed, like any other day and get changed. I walk into the living room. Where is everyone? No one was in the kitchen or sitting on the couch. I walk into Doc's room.
"Hey 2B' "
"Hi, need something y/n?" I shut the behind me.
"Um yeah, where is everyone?"
"Hank didn't want you to get hurt, so he let you sleep in and take the day off."
"Oh ok."
I look down at my feet.Well today is going to be boring.I sigh in disappointment. Then 2B' spun around to face me.
"I fortunately don't have a lot of work to do, so wanna go out and get ice-cream with me?" I smile in excitement.
"Hell yeah!" He gets up from his seat and opens the door before me.
"Thank you" I walk through the door and grab the keys for him. 2b' walks out and I hand him the keys, head outside and get into the the other vehicle we had. It was a white Honda.

~time skip~

We stoped at a small park. I get out with 2b', he points to the bench under the tree.
"Go have a seat, I'll be there in a minute." I nod and sit on the hard wood bench. It's a bit cold outside, fall is coming soon. I wonder what the boys do on the holidays. I guess I'll find out. As I was spaced out, 2b' sat next to me and taped my shoulder to hand my ice-cream.
"Here, I wasn't sure what you liked." It was (insert favorite ice-cream), my favorite. I grab it.
"Thank you. You didn't have to do this ya know?"
"Its the least I can do. And plus, we need to get of the house at some point. I mostly come here when the others are out on a mission for a while."
I look up at the red-ish sky and eat the ice-creamI have been given.
"The others like you a lot. They weren't like that to me at first. I wonder why that is?"
"People have to warm up to one another. They may not have trusted you at first because they didn't know you."
"I suppose so. I mean it's nice to not have an idiot near me for once." I giggle at the coment. A small gust of wind blows across me and I slightly shiver. Damn it's cold. I hold my arms to keep my warmth.
"Are you cold?" I nod. 2b' takes his coat off and puts it over my shoulders.
"You didn't have to do that."
"Please,you need it more then me. Now come on. Let's go back home." He stands up and holds out his hand for me to grab, I take it and walk off to the car to go home.

(He is a 2k special! This was requested by one you readers. <) Im doing better now, thank you all for your support. If you have any ideas let me know! Im starting to run out ideas for writing chapters 😅)

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