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Then the door shuts, and im alone again.

  After a night of sleeping on the floor. I don't think I could. deal with this. A.A.H.W was, surprisingly calm at night. I sit up from the floor. I look around and examine the room. It was pure white. A table was set up, probably for drugs for the subjects. A window sits high, were he can see me. And a camera in a corner. I slowly stand up and go over to the cam. It was to high for me to reach. I think for a moment, then I grab the table and bring it over the the corner.
I carefully stand on the table, we're I was eye level with the camera. My hands grip the lens and the back of it, and tear the thing from the wall. I hop down from table and look up at the glass over hang.
With the camera still in hand, I throw it full force at the glass. The glass shaders. I quickly grab the table again and pull it to where I can reach the ledge of the broken window. I jump from the table, and just barely grasp the edge. Glass cut my hand, but I didn't care.
I had a mission. It was to get out. I start to swing myself to get a momentum. Eventually, I back flip to the upper level. Then I hear the click of a gun to my head.
"You are just a bitch, aren't you y/n?" Damn it. I was Auditor. Then he puts the gun away, and pins me to a near by wall. I couldn't help but blush.
"Your not getting out of this easy." Auditor, towers over me. Him being 8ft and me being 5ft. He holds my chin and kisses me deeply. I blush harder. His warm lips, pressed against mine. Hank is going to be pissed- I thought. Auditor holds my away from him. I couldn't see what he was going to do then. Then he bites my neck.
"Y-you bitch-" I mumble. Auditor laughs at my anger.
"You did it to yourself."
"Go to hell."
  He cuts me off by making out with me, under my will. Then a loud bang comes from the ceiling. It was Hank and the others. Sanford,hanging from his large hook, grabs me and pulls me up to the roof.
  "How the hell did you find me?"
    "Ask questions later" I nod and follow him down the side of the building. We get into the truck, Deimos was already in there. Sanford gose back to help Hank.
   "Your not hurt, are you?"
I look at him.
  "No." That, was a lie. I didn't want them to know was he did to me. Deimos glares at me.
  "Toots, I know your lieing. What did they do?" He gently takes hold of my hand.
  "Auditor,made out with me. Under my will.." Its was silent for a second, the Deimos hugged me.
  "I'm sorry we couldn't make it sooner."
  "Its ok. Things happen and you have to go with flow, ya know."
  I smile, Deimos nods and let's go. I look out the window, San and Hank were still fighting Auditor. Then, tiredness over comes me. Probably from getting only 2 hours of sleep because of the cot-less room. I had to sleep on the cold, concrete floor. I yawn and rub my eyes.
  "Tired?" I nod.
Deimos shifts himself to a more comfortable position, then pulls me into his lap and holds me. I feel my cheeks heat up.
  "Just rest, the others will be a while." I nod and make myself comfortable lying on top of Deimos.
  He was warm and soft. But of course he reaked of cigarettes. I close my eyes and fall asleep listening the Deimos's heart beat.

( x-mas special in coming soon. This is also the last chapter. I'm sorry, bbuuutttt if you guys want. I could make a smut MadnessCombat book. If not then thays fine, it's honestlyless work for me to do.)


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