~The Mission~

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                                      "Anytime darling~"       

   We pull up to the apartment and walk inside. I get to my place and open the door with caution. Shit i forgot I left it a mess. I look at San.
  "Sorry for the mess " I say walking in.
  " Oh its no problem. This looks honestly way better than Dei's room.He leaves it like he had a frat party or something." I burst into laughter.
  I get some bags while still giggling and put somethings like chargers, a pillow, a blanket, clothes, and some health care things. In total I had 3 bags packed. I put two backpacks on me. One infront of me and one behind me. I just hold the other bag a head out to San. He was on the couch looking at his phone. He looks up at me and stands up.
  "Oh good your finally done"
  "Yeah, sorry I took so long." I rub the back of my neck and look down, feeling guilty. Sanford come closer to me and holds my chin as he places his other hand on my hip.
  "Hey, there's no need for you to apologize." I look at him in his softened eyes.
  "S-sorry. Ah, shit I said it again." I studder and realized that i apologized again. Sanford chuckles at my stupidity and then kisses me. I blush red. Wait the fu-. I stop and realize his lips are soft. After what felt like forever San pulled away. He smiles at me.
  "Your blushing darling.."
  "Well it's was my first....." I mumble.
  "Well, im glad you enjoyed it." San smirks and I roll my eyes.
   "Yeah, yeah let's just get going." I walk out the door and head to the truck.

  ~not much later~

    San was driving and I was in the passenger seat. Then there was a text. San picked up his phone. The truck suddenly made a sharp left and sped up.
  "Shit,y/n Hank is out on a mission and he needs help urgently. Sorry"
  "Oh, its fine. You think I could help?"
  "Absolutely! But how good are your combat skills? "
  "Well, I mostly deal with knifes because they're light for me. I also know how to break someone's neck in multiple ways" I inform Sanford on my abilities.
  "Well you in on the mission. Just remember to watch your back, got it?"  I nod. The truck stops at a tall building. I hop out the car with San and get some knifes and a pistol. San grabs a large hook and grab my hand, he pulls me to his side and we run in. The floor was covered with blood and dead grunts. I stick my tongue out in discust. Damn that smells. Sanford runs infront of me and motions me to follow. So I do as told.
   The next few floors were covered with blood and body's. But we finally meet up with Hank and Deimos. They were beat up pretty badly. Hank had more one gashes in him and Deimos had a few bullets in him. Shit.. This is probably harder then I thought this was going to be. I hand Hank and Dei some banges.
  "Thanks"  I hear Hank mumble. I smile
  "No problem Hank"
  "We have to get to next floor. Auditor has already sent more troops after us. We need to take caution." I lisson to Hank.
  I nod and follow the guys to the floor above us. We enter a room full of agents. Deimos gose left, Sanford gose off the the right, Hank grabbed my hand and dragged me with him. What is even our goal? Is this what he dose for a living? A million thoughts run through my mind as we kill off grunts one by one. Hank yanks me off to the side motions me to duck down, so I do as I was told. He couches down to my level.
  "Stay here, don't move. I'll go get Dei and San. Stay safe. Ok?" Hank says in a hushed tone. I nod.
  "Good" Hank pauses for a moment then gives me a small kiss. Then he runs off. I blush and look around at my surroundings to distractme from what just happened. Some tall crates to my left and a wall with a door to my right.
~6 minutes later~

  I here a group of foot steps get closer. I quickly grab the Skeleton Knife out of my pocket, ready to  fight. But Hank just came around the crates. I sigh in relief and stand up.
  "Ready?"  Hank asks.
  "Auditor should be in this room. So just be careful, he's a man of many capabilities" I nod. Deimos opens the door and gose in. We all follow behind him.
  There he was standing 7'8 ft. Oh shit.. Hank charged at Auditor with the lust to kill in his eyes. Sanford and Deimos back up for Hank start helping him. I pull out my pistol and aim for the head but it's was hard to tell if Auditor even had a skull with all for the fire around him. Got it. I get the perfect angel and shot the head.
  "Nice aim y/n!" I hear Deimos say.
  "Thanks." I say over my gun shots. Then a gust of flames pushed us all back. Auditor then became twice his normal size now standing at least 10 feet. What the fuck?!
  I question myself. Deimos started shooting the double barrel shot gun, Hank started throwing knifes since he had no more amo left, and Sanford was still using his hook stained with blood. Shit i ran out. I though the pistol to my left and use the knife I had.
  Then I hear a gun shot and feel a wave of pain I've never felt before. I look down and realized I've been shot. I clutch my abiamin, trying to stop bleeing.
  "Deimos you dumb fuck, you missed!"
  "You don't think I can't see that San?!"
  "Guys stop your bitching. Deimos go help y/n. Me and San will take care of our target."
  Then everything gose black.

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