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I woke up, cold. Sanford forgot to change the temp in the house,again. I sigh and slowly get out of bed with a light blanket over my shoulders. Walking to the coffee maker I make myself a cup. I hear running towards me, I look to see Deimos running to the tree to see what he got.
Heh what a child. At least he's happy.
I walk over and sit on the couch,coffee in hand. The coffee table sat infront of me and pine tree in front of the table.
Deimos was in between.
"Dei, wait for Hank, Sanford and 2b' ." Deimos pouted
"Awww, fine." Deimos sat on one end of the couch and waited. I sat and waited as well, sipping on my warm,rich coffee.
I got bored of waiting and out some Christmas music in the TV. Then Hank and Sanford came out from their bedrooms. Hank went to the kitchen for coffee and San just sat down next to me as Hank did. Hank,vary casually, puts an arm around me and smiles.
"Alright Deimos you can start, but just don't make such a mess like you did last year."
Deimos started opening, being careful not to make a mess. It was kind of funny because he was like a child on Christmas. But it was only because Deimos is the youngest.(in my AU, ig). After a while, Dei' ended up with a butterfly knife, 2 liter bottle for Fanta, Minecraft Story Mode, cologne, and deodorant.
"Ok who the hell got me these?"
"We did." San' and Hank said in unison. I giggled to myself.
"Well, in all consideration, thanks guys." Deimos smiled.
"No problem Dei'." I smile and San started to open his gifts, then Hank did. I never really did anything for Doc. I felt bad. But I think he'll like what I have.
I go into my room and look under my bed. I grab the small, carefully wraped gift and inspect it. Heh, looks like Deimos didn't get his grubby,smoky hands on this. I slightly smile to myself and exit my room. I head down the hall and knock on the white door that 2b' hides behind.
"Come in."
I slip through the door and politely shut the door.
"So what's the problem? You don't look injured"
"Well, I figured I would be nice and say Merry Christmas." I hold out the gift in front of him. Doc stares at it for a moment then takes it and smiles. He opens the gift cautiously. It's was a 'best doc' coffee mug. 2b' smiled.
"Thanks y/n."
"No problem." I smile and he gives me a hug. I return him a hug a a kiss on the cheek. I could tell doc was slightly blushing under his mask. I giggled to myself and exited the room.
  Deimos ran up to me, looking rather excited.
  "Y/n, we're going outside to go play in the snow! Wanna come with?" Confused, I look outside to see a shit ton of snow on the ground. It's never snowed in Nevada. We'll, at lest from what I've heard.
  "Sure why not."
I sprint to my room to bundle up to whatever I had in my closet and run out the front door. Sanford and Deimos were throwing snow balls at each other. Hank was off to the side building a snowman of himself. I quickly join San and Dei's fight.
"San', wanna team up on Deimos?" I grin to myself.
"Hell yeah."
  We both make the biggest, icey-est, snow balls we can. At the same we both threw them at Deimos. He fell back in the snow,leaving a body in print. But Deimos got up and started laughing. Me and Sanford just looked at each other and laughed with him. Deimos ran up to me and San.
"Let's get Hank to."
"I don't Deimos. That might piss him off."
"I'm sure it's fine."
I shrug and start making a ball out of snow. I look to see if San' and Dei' were ready, and they were. Slowly we all poached Hank and plummeted him with snow balls. Hank had the face of animazement. I snicker and Deimos and Sanford just full out bust in to laughing. Then Hank made a large snow ball and held it over his head.
Then all three of us got ploud with snow.
"I'm going inside to watch a movie."
"Ok! I wanna come with, but I need help getting out of the snow-"
Hank grabs my hand, pulls my out and carried me bridal style back into the house. Having San' and Dei' follow behind. Hank puts me down on the floor and I take off all my 'snow gear' and sit on the couch. Doc was in the kitchen,probably making coffee like usual. Deimos,Hank, and Sanford all sat around me. And when I mean around me, I mean being shoulder to shoulder. Hank puts a larg blanket around all of us. Then he puts TV on and plays the Hallmark Channel. For its seasonal shows. Doc came over with two mugs in each hand. He handed one to Hank and Deimos, then came back more and gave a mug to Sanford and me. Its was hot chocolate. I take a sip. Damn, this is good. It's better then what I can make.
I look behind me to see 2B'. I smile
"Thanks doc. This is pretty good."
Doc smiles at me. "No problem y/n."
I finish my cup and place in on the coffee table. As we watch the tv I start to feel sleepy. I lay me he'd on Hank's shoulder and fall asleep with the rest of the gang.

(HAPPY HOLIDAYS GUYS! :D thank you so much for supporting me when I needed it most. This was a fun journey but it's been a year now. Thank you <3 and have a good Christmas)

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