~Chilling And Rocking~

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Then I fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up, feeling warmer then usual. Wait, it was because Hank was still holding me in his arms. What a gentle giant. I think to myself, slowly waking up. I rub my eyes and yawn.
"Why good morning my Pebble." I hear Hank great me into today.
"Morning Hank."
"How did you sleep?" I playfully nuzzle his neck, He slightly blushes.
"Very well." I smile.
"Well moring love birds! Breakfast is ready." I hear San say from behind the couch. I suppose he's in the kitchen. Wait, what-
"What the hell is that nick name for?" I ask standing up, a bit annoyed.
"You guys were cuddling and being all lovey dovey." San snickers. I fastlly walk over to him and smack the back of his head. He laughs at my anger. I can feel my face burn red. Then I feel arms snake around me and spin me around.
Then Deimos kisses me. I stand there, shocked. Not even realizing Hank and Sanford where watching, Deimos slips his tongue in my mouth. My eyes widen. Well this is new....but why me? Why now? Why dose it feel wrong but so right?
I pull away, a red, blushing mess.
"Heh, cute." Deimos pats my head and walks outside to smoke. I stand there, still stunned. San puts a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry 'bout him. He really likes his (woman/men/ect)." I look at him.
"I can tell."
"Oh, y/n. I'm going to go set up my electric guitar stuff. Wanna come with?" I do like music. I nod my head and follow Hank to the garage

~After settup~

Hank grabs his black and white guitar. I sit on a box of, well what it holds and he starts playing. There are no words but it sounds nice. (Imagine it's just Hank,lol).

After he was done I claped, praising him.
"Wow Hank, that was beautiful!" I smile enthusiastic bout his music. He rubs the back for his neck.
"Oh its nothing really. Why don't you have a go at it?" Hank hands me a mic. I nod and get into place. Hank sits down in the spot where I was before and I start.

After I done singing, I set down the microphone,then realized San and Deimos where at the doorway, in shock and disappear. Hank just stood up and huged me. What-? I stand there, confused.
"Wow you have a great voice y/n." Deimos says.
"Oh its not that goo-" I get cut off. San pats my head.
"Yes it is. You need to stop being so hard on yourself."
"I agree" Hank and Sanford look at each other then at me. I grone and head inside. I look inside the kitchen fridge and grab a Coke. San, Dei, and Hank come from the garage Hank comes over to me.
"Doc what's to see you again. He wants to know how your wound is doing." I nod, still having soda in my mouth. I finish the drink and head to 2BDamed's room or office. Idk witch one it was and I didn't care. I knock and open the door a bit. 2BD was at his desk doing paper work and typing on the computer. He spins around to me.
"Oh yeah y/n. Come on in. I just need to see how your doing. "I step in"
"Oh, ok"

~After that~

After being somewhat flustered and embarrassed, having to take my shirt off. I finally can have that damn bandage off.
"Well see you soon y/n!" 2B waves at me as I leave the room. I wave back. Sanford was waiting for me. But why?
"Ah, finally your out of there. We have a room ready for you. You have all your belongings in there along with a bathroom in there." I smile.
"Nice and thank you. You reallydidn't have to do that."
"Hey, it's the least we can do your for you. It's just down the hall to the left." I look down the hall and see an open door. I walk to it. Wow, this is not a bad room. I look around in aw. I look where my things where and start to unpack. Then, Deimos came in and shut the door behind him. Odd.. I try not to notice him coming over to me.
"Need help there toots?"
"No thank you." As I stand up again. He grabs hold of my waist. A slight,plink blush spreads across my face.
"Oh come on Doll, don't be like that~" He holds my chin. Obviously trying to seduce me and he was unfortunately succeeding. I blush more and start to sweat because I'm nervous.
"Dei' stop." I silently say.
"Aw,why? I'm having so much fun." He noticed I was not comfortable with what he was doing so he stops and backs away.
"Sorry." Deimos says guilty. I gently hug him. He hugs back.
"Its ok, you didn't know." I smile a bit.

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