19. Ireland's Weather Always Matched Bella's Mood

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Five year old Bella Pleasant cowered in the corner, her dark eyes wide with fear. Shouting, footsteps getting closer to her hiding place.


He was going to find her, she was going to cry. The tears started falling, making a tiny puddle on the floor. She still didn't make a sound, even held her breath. Fear seized her tiny body, taking over everything she knew.

He got closer, and closer. She saw his shadow, and the tears started falling faster. He'd found her. She screamed.

And jolted awake in her bed, breathing heavily. Sweat made her black hair stick to her forehead. She clutched the covers tightly, pulling them right up to her chin. Only then did she realise that she was actually crying for real.

Bella brushed away her tears, looking around the room nervously. He wasn't in here, she was safe for now.

The door creaked open and for a moment she panicked, until she saw six year old Sophie step inside. Her older sister's face was slack.

"Nightmares again? I thought it was..." She trailed off.

Bella bit her lip to stop it from wobbling. She couldn't bring herself to speak, so she only nodded. Sophie swallowed thickly and jumped onto the bed beside her. Both of them snuggled up underneath the covers, their body heat keeping each other warm.

The door opened again, and Gabrielle Farell peeked inside sadly. When she saw that everything was fine - well, as fine as it possibly could be - she closed the door again.

Sophie caught a glimpse of the bruises on her sister's bare arms and Bella pulled them closer to her tiny body, curling up into a ball. Tears continued to fall down her cheeks. Sophie bit her lip and closed her eyes, trying to block out the images of her father, and her sister's cries.

Eventually, the older girl fell asleep; but Bella lay there awake. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw him.

Skulduggery. Shouting abuse, shadows swirling around him and seeping out from underneath his clothes. He was terrifying, and she whimpered at just the thought of being near him.

Bella hugged herself tightly, feeling goosebumps rise on her skin. She wasn't cold, it was the icy cold tendrils of fear that began to wrap around her heart when she thought about him, that made her tremble. She kept hearing his voice. His velvet voice, that five years ago had been so kind and caring; was now angry, and he was deadly.

Sophie and Bella were constantly hiding from him, and when he wasn't home, they fed themselves before he came back. They'd both started training, walking and jogging to the Sanctuary on numerous occasions. The both of them were inseparable. They were sisters, only one year apart and best friends.

Bella sighed, another shiver rolling down her spine. She gripped the covers with both hands and pulled them closer to her trembling body. All she had on was the small tights and T-shirt that Tanith had bought for her.

Tanith. One of the only people who'd been there for both Bella and Sophie from the start. She'd helped teach them, helped them build their powers. She was teaching them all different fighting techniques, including Adept magic. Ghastly helped as well, and he taught them how to expand their Elemental powers. Fire had instantly become Bella's favourite element. She loved the way it seemed to dance, have a mind of its own. It was just so beautiful.

Then there was Erskine. He always seemed to hover around, watching them. Bella felt his golden eyes constantly on her, and sometimes it was unnerving; especially for a five year old girl. Only once he'd come into the training room and leant against the wall, observing her every move. And only once had he ever made eye contact with her. Sometimes she saw him with another girl. A blonde one who looked very similar to Gabrielle. She'd shrugged it off. Why was she so interested in the man? She barely knew him.

Then there was Gabrielle herself. Their aunt had always been there to save Bella from Skulduggery's assault. She would jump in between father and daughter and then they'd both erupt into a screaming match. Skulduggery was usually the one storming out of the house, and afterwards Gabby would make Sophie and Bella hot chocolates and treat any wounds. Bella always saw the sadness in her eyes. She told them stories about their mother, Valkyrie, and both sisters instantly knew why Skulduggery hated Bella so much. Gabrielle hadn't yet spilled everything, but they still knew by the way she worded things.


The next morning, it was raining. Ireland's weather always matched Bella's mood. Dull, grey and sad. Sophie was still sleeping soundly beside her, and Bella quietly slipped out of the bed, being careful not to wake her older sister. She placed both feet on the floor and crept out of the room. The bedroom door creaked slightly when she opened it. She cringed and stepped out into the dimly lit hallway. Bella jogged down the stairs, her dark hair bouncing off her shoulders. No one else was awake yet. Good.

She went straight into the kitchen and pulled open the fridge. It was mostly empty, but she found a few things and started grabbing them when she heard a noise. Her blood ran cold. Bella turned slowly, saw Skulduggery in the kitchen doorway, staring right at her. She whimpered, tears already brimming in her brown eyes. He narrowed his own.

"You're up early..."

She shivered at his voice, and closed the fridge door.

He took one step forward and she shrank back slightly. Skulduggery scoffed. "Unbelievable," he muttered, storming back out of the kitchen.

Bella let out a long breath she didn't know she'd been holding, and quickly started grabbing food again, tears running down her cheeks.

A few minutes passed and just as she sat down at the table to eat she heard Gabby's voice coming down the stairs. Then Skulduggery's. Then a loud slam as though someone had thrown something hard at the wall. She jumped, choked on a piece of bread and coughed. She wheezed and eventually got her breathing back under control. That's when Skulduggery smashed back into the kitchen, shadows swirling all around him. He flicked his wrist and Bella was sent flying backwards into the oven.

She yelled out when her body collided with it. The breath rushed out of her. Gabby was shouting obscenities, and Sophie was running down the stairs now. Bella sunk to the floor, trying to suck in lungsful of air. Tears burned in her eyes and he stalked forward towards her.

No, not again... She thought.

Then Gabrielle was there, launching herself at him. She crashed into him and both siblings went rolling across the kitchen floor. They smashed into the wooden table, and chairs went skidding across the room.

Sophie cowered back, her eyes on her little sister. She gestured frantically for Bella to run over to her. Gabrielle and Skulduggery exchanged punches, kicks and hissed abuse at one another.

Bella forced herself up on shaky legs and she raced over to Sophie. Sophie grabbed her hand, and they took off, hurrying out the front door. Then they ran.

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