Chapter 1: Suit Up!

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((Quick A/N!! If you haven't read the first book: "More than just a Hat!" Then don't start this book!! You must read the first book then this one!! This is its sequel!! I hope you like this!!! I've been hit with writers block and I'm trying to overcome it as I write!! So please excuse some of the chapters if they seem too short!! 💙💙Altern!!))

~a few weeks later~

Tadashi's POV

Hiro had made us some pretty sweet suits using our technology as the basis for them. Wasabi had laser hands, Fred had some sort of monster suit, Honey had chemistry balls, Gogo had a speed suit. Hiro's suit was attached to Baymax's allowing him to fly. So this is what he'd been working on. My suit could fly and collect data, but I mostly relied on my karate skills to fight. The suit only enhanced my skills and shielding when I fought.

We tested our suits in her office. It was the best place to test them since she used her office like a lab. It basically was a lab! They worked just fine. We were ready.

"Alright, here's our plan: we're gonna fly to Texas using Baymax. Then, when we find out where this is going to take place, I want you guys to stand guard at all the exits and entrances. I'm going to get her out of there and then, if there are no fights stopping us, we'll head home safe and sound."

Wasabi was thankful for a plan, but wanted to know more details. I couldn't give them to him because we weren't there. I told them all she had told me: that she lived in Corpus Christi and that she was probably going to stay there for her life. I guess she was wrong. Unless she wanted to get married to a man she didn't love, she was going to spend the rest of her life under my protection in San Fransokyo.
We all prepared for the long trip. Using Baymax, we flew to Texas. It was a long trip, and we had to stop often for food, but we made it. And just in time. When we arrived in Corpus, it was all over the news. Juan and Chántel, a match made in heaven. Yea I'm sure. She didn't even love him. It wasn't hard to find where the wedding was to take place.

The Ninja and the Ranger ((Sequel to "More than just a hat")) ((BH6 fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now