Chapter 6: Tour de Texas, Part 3

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Chántel's POV

I was up around 2:00AM. I just couldn't think. My argument with Tia Marta was too much. I had to leave Abilene as soon as possible. We were going to get caught and I would be forced to return home. I'm absolutely sure that Tia Marta called Mama and told her that I was just in Amarillo. Mama knew me. She knew that I was going to be jumping from place to place. And I knew she was going to send someone after me. Who? I don't know. Maybe Juan, maybe Alejandro, my brother. All I knew is that I had to get the gang home and fast. But how did I get them back to SF without them being in danger. I had to send them there before I got back. That's what I was going to do. Baymax! Duh, we still have him in the trunk of my car! I could use him to send them home.

I walked outside, already dressed in boots, jeans and a t-shirt. I had my Rangers cap on. I popped the tent open and pulled out the little station. Then I found a shard of glass in the dirt (if you've never been to TX, it's not hard to find glass in the dirt) and cut my arm. It stung and I yelped, causing Baymax to inflate. He treated my small cut and I told him that he had to get the gang home in the morning. I packed a bag with their suits and stuff. Then I gave them to Baymax. He looked at me with black eyes. I stared back and he began to suit up himself. Just as I was about to make him begin to take them home, I heard footsteps behind me.

"Chán? What are you doing?"
"Tadashi...ehhh... I'm....umm...suiting up Baymax."
"What?! Why?"
"I'm sending you home. You'll be safer and then I'll catch up with y'all later. Now I suggest you suit up too."
"I'm not leaving you. And the gang won't agree to this either."
"They have no choice unless they want to die. I'm saving their lives, Tadashi. And I want to save yours as well."

He looked at me. And then at Baymax. And then at me. He walked over in his plaid pajama pants and white shirt and hugged me.
"I know you're trying to protect me, but it's my job to protect you. So let me do my work."
"I can't let you do that, it's too dangerous for me to let that happen. I don't want any of you to get hurt," she spoke softly and it was almost as though my old Chán had returned. Her Hispanic accent returned and she looked at her feet. I felt like I knew her now. The real her. And this time, I wasn't going to let her get away. I had made that promise and a vow that I could never break without breaking my heart.
"Hey, if you want the gang to head home, they can. But I'm never leaving your side." I smiled at her and she turned pink.

"Alright. Let's get these people out of danger." She smiled and at 3AM we decided together that the gang and Hiro would head home. I wasn't going to ever let her go. Not now, not ever.

The Ninja and the Ranger ((Sequel to "More than just a hat")) ((BH6 fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now