Chapter 15: Lost It

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Tadashi's POV

She came after me, rushing downstairs to meet me.
"Dashi, what's wrong? Why won't you talk to me?"

I simply ignored her. I didn't want to talk to a liar. After a while I finally gave in.

"YOU'RE A LIAR, OKAY?! YOU LIED TO ME AND I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" I lashed out at her, angrily. She shrunk back in fear. She knew I was stronger than her, that I could hurt her. But I couldn't do that. It wasn't in my nature.
"What did I lie to you about, Tadashi? Just tell me!"
"You're married."
"I said, you're married!" I began to raise my voice.
"Wha--? No I'm not."
"I'm not lying. You can look it up on the Internet. There is no document of marriage. I haven't signed any papers."

So I did look it up on the Internet. It took quite a while, but I finally found that there was no paper. She wasn't lying. Juan was. He was trying to trick me. Thank goodness I'm not easily tricked.

"Our first..."
"Date? Yea." I said as I took the picture from her hands. She had had it with her during our argument. To make it up to her I took her to the park and called the gang to come with us. Hiro had even helped Honey pack a lunch, making sure that there were several bags of gummy bears included.

When we got there, we played frisbee, hid in the shade of the trees by the Wall, reminisced on the last time we were here together (during which my hat had been drowned in the lake), and ate an amazing picnic lunch which consisted of ham and cheese sandwiches, cookies, soda, and gummy bears. We had even brought paint with us. We painted a heart on the Wall along with the date.

While she wasn't looking, I painted a small silver circle on the heart.

We stayed in the park practically the entire day. As it was getting darker, Honey and Gogo packed up everything, Hiro finished off the gummy bears, Fred and Wasabi play one last game of frisbee and I took Chántel for a quick walk to the lake. We were both wearing out hats. The Ninja hat and the Rangers hat. I felt like I should be protecting my hat from another dunking, but I decided to let it slide and let my hat-guard down.

I looked at her icy blue eyes and her mesmerizing smile. I felt like I was on the moon. Then I remembered: pull the gum out of your pocket.

I pulled a small packet out of my pocket. Just your average packet of gum, nothing special. Except for the fact that it was her favorite. Her eyes widened at the packet.

"Ummm...can I have some? Please?" She begged.
"Duh, Chán. What'd you think I'm giving it to you for?"

She opened the packet to find.............

A ring. A small diamond ring.

She looked at me, I had gotten down to one knee and looked up at her.
"Chán, we've been through a lot together, and I don't wanna lose you to any other man. Baseball and art and gang wars and a tour of Texas. All of this has made me feel like I needed to ask you: will you, Chántel Cruz, marry me?"

She smiled and nodded. "YESS!!! Of course Tadashi!!!"

I jumped up to hug her. Then I took the packet and pulled out the ring, placing it on her finger.

We stayed on the bridge over the lake, our lips practically glued together for about five minutes. I had finally caught my mesmerizing Chán. Permanently.

((Quick A/N: sorry for such a short chapter!! I'm going to be ending this series soon (maybe or maybe not, depending on if I should add more drama). So yea. I wish a good and Happy Easter for those of you who are celebrating tomorrow. I know I don't ask y'all for comments, but please, I want more comments so I can improve my writing! I feel like I'm not good enough or something! I also want a vote in the comments: MORE DRAMA OR NO??? My other books are doing well!!! Over 1K views on MTJH!!! Birth Rights is doing well as well!!! Just a little over 100 views!! I'm so happy. And randomly I'm going to state: I might be starting 2 new book series. I have 2 new ideas and I don't want to lose them. I'm not going to publish them right away, but rather get my ideas together. So yea. Vote, comment, or somethin!! ~💙💙A.S.))

The Ninja and the Ranger ((Sequel to "More than just a hat")) ((BH6 fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now