Chapter 7: Tour de Texas, Part 4

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Chántel's POV

I knew that he was going to stay and no whenever I told him to leave. But then again, he saw the conflict between me and my aunt. I knew that I would never see anyone from my family ever again after the diner. I would never taste her flan or her fajitas or her molé ever again. I would never see my cousins ever again. Never see my brother. I was losing my whole family all at once. And it was all my fault. I lost everything to love. And it, I hope, is worth it. I love Tadashi. I couldn't let that fact go. He was the one who stood by me, defended me. And I wouldn't forget that. He was my best friend. And now, he's my boyfriend. The only one I could trust. And so, I forced myself to hold back the truth.

I was smart to do that. I couldn't trust anyone with the truth about our argument. And so I wouldn't. I would hold it all in. Keep everything to myself. Nothing would escape. But I still had to get the hang out of here. It was imperative that I did. Tadashi and I walked back to our room, shared with Hiro, and fell asleep on our bed.
I awoke at about 6:30 and headed outside. I was still dressed since I hadn't changed before I went to sleep. I looked around and packed the things I needed to get a move on. Tadashi was snoring softly. He was lying on his stomach, the sheets covering him up to his upper back. His arm had been around me, so now it was lying limply out to the side, where I had once been.

I giggled at the sight of a sleeping Hiro. He was curled up into a ball, apparently dreaming about someone. Gogo in particular. He kept mumbling her name in his sleep. He had kicked off his sheets so they laid in a pile on the end of his bed. He had thrown his pillow on the floor. I straightened his sheets and put his pillow back on his bed. I felt like his older sister, even though he was sixteen and I was twenty-one.

Speaking of ages, it brought back a reminder that Tadashi's twenty-second birthday was to be in a week. I still had to get him something. Maybe on the way I'd get him something and by then we'd be back in San Fransokyo. Hiro's birthday would be another month from now.

I walked over to my side of the bed and straightened it up, fixing the sheets so they looked exactly like they did before I slept in them. It was 6:50 and I decided that it was time for someone to wake up. I threw a pillow at Tadashi, who groaned and shifted positions. I pulled off the sheets and let the air get to him. He slowly opened his eyes.

"What time is it?" He mumbled sleepily.
"About 7:00. Wake up, Tadashi! We gotta get goin'!" I yelled at him. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. Then he stretched and got out of bed. I left him to get dressed and ready. I walked downstairs to see Gogo and Honey already up.

"Good morning, Chántel!" They said in unison. I looked around and saw that they had already gone to get breakfast, which they were eating in the hotel lobby. I grabbed a cup and filled it with hot water, milk, coffee, and sugar. I stirred and drank. It woke me right up. Any sleepiness left in my was definitely gone in an instant.

"Good mornin', Honey, Gogo. How'd y'all sleep?" I spoke cheerfully.
I sighed and sat down.
"I'm sendin' y'all home. You and the rest of the gang."
"Yea, what do you mean?"
"You guys are in danger if you stay with me. I'm going alone. They know what we are doing. So I can't have y'all with me. I'm going to send y'all home with Baymax."
They looked at me like I was crazy. After a small amount of convincing, they finally decided to head home.

"We'll be in San Fransokyo if you ever need us. We love you, Chántel." And with that Honey Lemon, Gogo, Wasabi, Fred and (reluctantly) Hiro left on Baymax. Tadashi wouldn't leave. So now, in the small town of Abiline, it was just me and Tadashi. It was time to finish our Tour de Texas.

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