Chapter 13: And Steal

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Tadashi's POV

~3 days later~

The White Wing was getting organized quickly. They spoke of things as though this was war. Chántel and I had been hanging with the gang for the past few days. She told me that the breaking of the treaty had begun a second gang war, the biggest in the city. The two largest gangs were going to war over the city. A very dangerous time was approaching. And I had to help.

We were put on SFIT patrol. Since the treaty had been broken, the SFIT border was a dangerous, yet quiet, battleground. I had school there so my patrol was easy to take. I just had to be watchful as I worked, and I was. Chántel was always there to lend me a hand and I had adopted graffiti art as one of my pastimes. Just not as serious as Chántel had. I worried for her whenever she went out. What if she ended up like this 'Blueyes'? I couldn't let that happen. I had to stop this war and fast. But how? Ideas spun through my head as I sat in a chair next to Chántel's desk. Then it came to me: challenge.

In movies, to end something, the leader was challenged to a fight (or something like that) by another. The one that won became (or stayed) the leader. Maybe...just maybe if I could get Moonstone to fall for my trickery.....that's it!!! I just had to time it right.
Thoughts rushed through my head as I patrolled the school border. We had put off the first date since the war had started. And since I was to end the war, I decided to hold the date after the war.

I was meeting up with the Black Lights soon, I just had to escape guard duty. When my partner wasn't looking, I snuck away from the broken border and to the Black Light HQ. The warehouse was quiet and peaceful and it seemed as though no one was there. But I knew better. I had picked up the trait of being a gang member quickly and knew that they were planning behind closed doors.

I shoved the door a little, but it didn't budge. So I walked around to the back of the warehouse where there was a door. It was opened a small crack. I walked up to the door but as I was about to open it I heard voices. Three different whispers. Moonstone was one of them, but the other two I didn't recognize.

I pushed the door open quietlike and slipped into the building. I listened to them whisper about paint running out and needing to take paint from the White Wing and breaking the border and pushing the White Wing to the city limits and wiping them out. A lot of different subjects that all interconnected. Then I heard a familiar voice. It was so familiar. I remembered that Marshall, who I had been working with for the past few days, saying that there might be a traitor among us. After all, paint had been going missing and I saw the missing boxes on the other side of the warehouse. I couldn't believe that he was right.

I walked into the lighted room among the many black-masked people. I felt nervous but I did my best not to show it. Moonstone and the two others noticed me. As well as the new man who had walked in. The man looked so familiar but I couldn't get why.
"Who are you--" Moonstone started but quickly cut himself off when he recognized me. "Back already? I thought they didn't like sending people out alone, Purple. Why is he here?"

Purple? Why is PurplePolish here? He's not---

"What? He was right. But I never expected it to be you." I spoke solemnly. Knightpiece (aka Marshall) had been right. But I never expected Jon to be the mole.
"Who was right? Knightpiece? Of course he was right. I was always on their side." He gestured to the Black Light gang as he pulled off his mask to reveal none other than Jon himself. "They never realized it, Changeling and Knight. No, no they were to caught up with being the founders of one of the most powerful gangs in San Fransokyo. I gave them the nickname idea, the bandana idea, the idea to call the place the White Wing! Where did I get all of those ideas? From my very own. Here I'm not known as PurplePolish. I'm known as Blueyes. And yes, I did create the treaty, but I broke it when I was jailed. And yes I was jailed at one point, but Moonstone here bailed me out. When Purple was jailed, no one came for him so the story was: his brother bailed him out. I am the founder of both of the gangs. But I always did favor the Black Light more. The White Wing had Change in it. She was always too hyper for my taste."

That did it. He insulted her. I walked up to him ready to give him a good uppercut to the chin, but was held back by some Black Light members. "YOU DONT DARE SAY ANYTHING ABOUT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!"

He chuckled, "You mean her? Oh don't worry, she'll be here when the challenge starts. That is what you came here for, right? To challenge the leader? Well, you're challenging me."

And with that, he had them throw me out. "Tomorrow at SFIT. 10:00 PM."
I walked to SFIT, an hour early. I had always told Hiro to stay out of fights, but here I was getting myself into one. Oh well for my good judgement. I just had to find the angles on this. With gang wars, fights could be dangerous. I didn't know how this one would turn out. Until I got there. Some of the men were watching the perimeter until they saw some BL members walk up. Rather than regular weapons, they pulled out...spray paint cans?

It's an art gang!! Duh, Tadashi, duh!! Wake yourself up!!

With a wave of his hand, Jon stopped the border patrol and sent them away. Why? I don't know. But they left quickly so I knew that it must be important.

I walked out and over to the BL and stood I front of them. My bandana was straight on and my face held a stern expression. Jon walked over and Moonstone followed.

Moonstone cleared his throat and spoke loudly, "This duel that takes place on the broken border at 10:00 PM will decide who becomes the leader of the Black Lights. The current leader, Blueyes, has been challenged by TadaShine, a member of the White Wing. If TadaShine wins, his connections to White Wing will be severed and he will become the leader of the Black Lights. If he loses, Blueyes has made the declaration that TadaShine will give up his membership to the White Wing and never go near either of the headquarters again. He is to become an outcast."

I was taken aback by the punishment, but accepted anyways.

"The canvases have been set up and the paint prepared. Begin your artwork!" Moonstone's voice boomed. Canvases? Paint? This wasn't a regular challenge, it was an art contest. Once again, these are graffiti gangs.

I grabbed a can of red paint, not knowing what I was going to do. I simply began by covering my entire canvas (which was very large) in red paint. I racked my brain for all of the info that Chántel had taught me on art. Darker colors were for shading, lighter for reflections. Always start with a background, begin outlines before work. And so I started.

((A/n: heeyyyy people!!! I'm sorry I haven't been updating so often as I used to. I've been busy with school as the state test is on Monday!!! I'm nervous and excited. And I haven't gotten much sleep recently and I've got a bad case of writer's block so this is moving slowly. I'm doing my best, ok. I'm quitting my 3 years of impatience series since I lost the papers that had the plot on it. I'm starting a new BH6 series to try and get ideas into my head (it's weird like that for me) yes it's Tadashi x OC. And it's called Birth Rights. And I'm gonna stop right now and say goodbye, so GOODBYE Y'ALL!!! ~A.S.💙💙))

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